Chapter 1

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  "God, I hate him." I yell my voice muffled by a throw pillow.

  "You know you never really told me what he did to you" my best friend Lina says shoving a handful of m&m's into her mouth. If I had known today would have gone this way, I wouldn't have let her come over.

  "he's been destroying my life ever since the day I was born." I say sitting up and looking at her.

  Avery Evermore and Celeste Lawson have been best friends sense middle school, after they found out a boy had been dating both of them at the same time, my mom always thought me to be a girls girl no matter what.

  And as most teenage best friends do, they would make promises to each other about a dream future they imagined themselves having.  finding husbands, moving next door to each other and having kids at the same time so they can grow up and be best friends just like they were.

  And for the most part that all came true, all except the part where their children became best friends, because there is no one I hate more than Lucas Evermore.

  My entire life he's always made it his life's mission to best me in everything. He was born exactly one day before me, making us share a birthday party every year, he's always tied me for student of the year, making sure to brag when he got a higher test score than me.

  "he's the devil in disguise" I tell Lina glancing over at my window, the same window that gives me a direct view into Lucas's room. I had once begged my mom to switch rooms with me, so I didn't have to see him every second of every day.

  I glance out the window into his room, I knew he wasn't in there, he had practice after school, which gave me at least a few hours of peace before he came back.

  "You know he's not that bad if you really think about it, he definitely makes your birthday parties more fun." she says, and I grab the bag of m&ms out of her hands. She groans crossing her arms

  "it's not like im taking your side over his, I barely know the dude." she says throwing her head back to look at the celling "I'm just saying I think your hatred is a bit," she pauses looking at me an apologetic look on her face "exaggerated." she drawls the words out as if scared of what I would say.

  I sigh handing her the candy, shes not wrong, but there's always been a part of me that couldn't stand him, whether it was the way his loud voice seemed to echo, or the smile he always had on his face, like he had no care in the world, or was it the way he would look into my eyes when it was just the two of us alone.

  Sometimes it felt like his only reason for existing was to mess with me, and he sure did make it apart of his daily routine, weather that was making loud noises as i was trying to study or stealing flowers from my garden.

  He always seemed to have some way to mess with me, and of course we had almost every class together. With both of us being in all honors classes we were stuck together most of the day, the only class I actually had a break in was creative writing, a class i opted to take instead of gym.

  When people ask me what i want to be when i grow up i say lawyer, or doctor though I wouldn't mind doing either of those jobs I've always wanted to be an author, I'd want to live in a big city and write novel after novel.

  But i know what people would say if i told them that, they would say its unrealistic and that i shouldn't waste my time on something that wouldn't work out, i know there right but part of me still holds onto the dream.

  Linas phone rings and she picks it up almost immediately, speaking Spanish to who I can only assume is her mother. Her voice is hushed yet i can tell there disagreeing on something, but that didn't surprise me, it would surprise me if that for once they actually got along instead of fighting with each other.

  She sighs and hangs up the phone, "ive got to go." she says throwing her backpack over her shoulder moving her blonde hair out of the way.

  I let her keep the m&ms, she thanks me and whispers something about her mother in Spanish under her breath.

  I feel it almost immediately, the dark shadow looming over my head. My mother wouldn't be home for a while, she said she was working the night shift tonight, and normally that would be fine, I've always found ways to keep myself company over the years, but recently when ever there's no one around i feel this sense of gloom hanging over my head.

  I through myself onto my bed staring at the celling, I through my arm over my eyes groaning as I hear the music coming from outside my partially open window.

  I roll out of bed walking over to the window. I yank open the curtains squinting through the glare of the setting sun. Leaning against his car grinning at me as the music blasts from his car is Lucas, hair wet from showering after hockey practice.

  His green eyes boring into mine, i grimace as i shut the window and close the curtains. I swear I hear him laugh, but the sound is muffled by the window. Flipping on my lamp i dig in my backpack pulling out my laptop, and binders.

  I shove on my headphones and let the music flow into my head as I study the work. Today I study for two extra hours just to make sure I get a better grade then him.

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