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James POV

She'd grown up, gotten older but the same old Riley stood in front of us this morning
The oblivious sweet hearted Riley who only ever saw the good in someone, the same girl who would panic at any small inconvenience 
The same girl who took a piece of me the moment she walked out of the door years ago..

"You're having a giggle" Michelle said making all of us shake our heads at her 
Emily had taken Riley and her baby into her office and we headed downstairs to meet Michelle since everything was opening up now
"Riley? Riley as is Emily's little sister, Riley as in the only girl who ever managed to keep James quiet, keep West on track and give Eldon some brain cells? That Riley?" Michelle said
"The one and only" West answered
"Rude" Eldon muttered making all of us chuckle

"She's back?" Michelle asked softer this time
"And she isn't alone" Hunter said making Michelle even more confused
"She has a baby" Eldon explained
"A daughter" I said softly remembering the small bow that had pulled the babies hair out of her face
"Oh my god" Michelle said slumping into her seat 
"Why did she leave? Seemed like her and Em had a good life here?" Hunter asked, he didn't have any idea about the girls at all
He knew Emily like the back of his hand at this point but only the parts she let him see, but Riley.. Riley was new to him and he didn't know a thing  

"Their parents had set ways for them, certain standards they needed to live up to. Riley had the brunt of it" West explained
"We all got close to both of them and when it came to Em they didn't bat an eye lid but-" Eldon started before glancing at me

"The moment Riley and I got close.. Her parents hated every moment of it until they realised the only way to stop it was to pick up and move" I grumbled remember that night like no tomorrow 

"Why did Riley's parents hate you all so much?" Hunter asked but Michelle shook her head
"Not all of us" She said offering me a sympathetic look
"Just me" I muttered before the sound of a soft cry made us all look up to see Emily walking in with Riley by her side 

The baby had been strapped to her chest had now been taken by Emily as she cooed at her walking towards us attempting to stop the crying 
"Emily listen she's-" Riley started
"Riley, it's okay. You need to rest, I've got her" Emily said but the look on Riley's face meant that she was not okay with that
"No Em I-" She tried again
"Riley stop it" Emily dismissed while all of us looked at Emily confused
There is one thing you should never do and that is dismiss a mother's intuition about their kids 

The baby continued the cry, to the point it turned into more of a screech at this point which only panicked Riley more
"Emily please just-" Riley started
"Ril-"Emily started before I stood up making everyone jump

"Emily, give Riley her daughter." I said bluntly earning a looking up and down from Emily before she calmly handed her over to Riley
Riley had offered me a short smile before practically racing outside with her baby in her arms 
It wasn't a shock when I went after both of them leaving the gang to their own questions 


As soon as I stepped out of the café below The Next Step, it didn't take even a minute to find Riley
She sat on the bench just outside with her daughter huddled into her arms stroking her cheeks lightly putting her back to sleep 

"Hey" I said softly hoping not to make the pair of them jump, Riley looked up at me, her breath hitching slightly as I took a step towards her taking a seat next to her
"Are you okay?" I asked making her nod
"I'm being serious Ri, it's just you and me here. Are you okay?" I asked again hoping I would get the real answer
"I'm as good as can be, I don't know.. I didn't like that" She muttered back looking at building
"Emily?" I asked and she nodded
"It made me feel like she knew what to do with her better. Like me being her Mum didn't mean anything" She muttered looking down at her daughter who was now in fact asleep 

"I promise you, being her mother means a lot more then you think. A lot more then anyone will realise and it's clear you know what she needed more then Emily did" I said offering her a supportive smile
"I might not be around every second but if I ever hear Emily or anyone else being like that with you, I've got your back" I said earning a small chuckle from Riley 
"You used to say that all the time when we were kids" She said smiling at the memory 

"That's because the point remains the same" I winked earning an eye roll 

"What's her name"? I asked bring us back to reality slightly
"Emery" Riley smiled looking at her
"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl" I smiled
"She looks so much like you" I added making Riley look up at me 

"Are you back for good?" I asked scratching the back of my neck trying to avoid eye contact for a moment
"I think so, I don't exactly have a plan at the moment but we'll take it one step at a time" She said 
"Are you staying with Emily?" I questioned making Riley shrug
"I hadn't really asked her, I was just sort of hoping I would be but I don't know. If she's gonna be like that with Emmie then, god I really don't know" She panicked

"Breathe Riley, it's not a problem okay?" I said placing my hand on top of her rubbing over her knuckles lightly 

"Do not feel obligated to say yes but my roommate just moved out so you are more then welcome to have their old room. You don't need to pay anything towards the rent or anything. It'll be better then Em's sofa. That thing is lumpy as hellll" I laughed
"James I couldn't" She muttered
"Why?" I questioned
"Emery is only 2 weeks old, she's up most of the night. She's a loud baby and don't get me started on some of the smells she lets out" Riley frantically explained

"Riley, I'm not going to force you but the offer is there okay? You'll have your own space and I'm pretty sure if I can survive travelling with Eldon, West and Hunter I can survive whatever this little lady throws your way" I said smiling at the pair of them

"And you are sure about it?" She asked softly looking up at me
"I've never been more sure Ri" I smiled 

There was always something about Riley.. and I couldn't let her go again...

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