•|4|• Otherworldly snaps+ meeting plans and more Radiant on Frivolous action

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A/N: In this chapter there are some Malevolent references because Bene isn't really present a lot. Radiant and Great also have a little talk, you can guess what that is about.

Everyone was back in the kitchen, Bene was in the back helping Great get somethings he was going to need for later. Unstable, Scary, Otherworldly, and Dauntless were once again having a fairly normal conversation.

"So, the day doctor give you anything for your problem, Otherworldly?" Dauntless asked, gaining the attention of two of the people he was talking to.

"Yeah... something was off though..." Otherworldly replied sounding reminiscent, whatever that off putting feeling was, it definitely wasn't good.

"It'd better not be him..." Scary deadpanned knowing exactly what Otherworldly was hinting at, now wasn't the time for HIM to take control. The last time it happened, well... you know, Otherworldly got fucked up if you couldn't already tell; to be completely honest, none of the days really know how he got ahold of Otherworldly in the first place. (No Malevolent name drop just yet, I'll do that when he is revealed😏)

"Who...?" Dauntless asked totally confused as to what Otherworldly and Scary were talking about, no one has ever mentioned this other person before. Otherworldly opened his mouth to speak before being stopped by Scary, who was hellbent on keeping this mysterious he a secret.

"It's none of your business, [night operative]." Scary retorted throwing his fist on the table, making Dauntless even more confused. Why is Scary not letting Otherworldly tell him anything? Is this guy just another Days Union top secret or something? How odd of Scary really, he was never really one for keeping the realities of his job a secret no matter who he was talking to.

"Why not just tell me? It can't be that bad!" Dauntless retorted not believing it was that bad. Unbeknownst to him, it was far worse than he could have cared to admit, but Otherworldly just looked at Dauntless, absolutely pissed by his statement.

"You don't know what it's like..." Otherworldly soon stated ominously, he knew what this guy could do and the lengths he would go to get what he wanted.

"You don't know the half of it, [night operative] Otherworldly_night." Scary deadpanned again turning to Otherworldly, who thought he knew just as much as the days did about him. Scary, however, knew Otherworldly didn't know near as much as he thought he did. Otherworldly didn't know half of what Scary and the other days operatives knew, Great included.

"Yeah, I'd have to agree with the day on this one, Otherworldly..." Dauntless agreed, refusing to believe that Otherworldly knew more than he did right now. Like please Dauntless was oblivious as hell, how could Otherworldly know more than him?

"You don't know what I went through, Dauntless!" Otherworldly snapped, now this is having shocking similarities to something. Dauntless just looked at Otherworldly, shocked. The hell was happening? Who even knows really.

"Oh really now?" Dauntless challenged, standing up and putting his hands down on the table. He was obviously pissed by now and Otherworldly definitely wasn't helping his cause.

"Try getting fucked up by that guy!" Otherworldly yelled, pointing at Bene, before stumbling off angrily entirely forgetting his crutches at the table he was just sitting at.

"See what I told you, [night operative]..." Scary stated practically blaming Dauntless for Otherworldly's outburst, Dauntless just stared at Scary in disbelief.

"You really think-..." Dauntless stared at Scary not wanting to believe that he actually thought this was Dauntless's fault.

"Yes, yes I do..." Scary stated turning to look at Unstable, who was asleep right beside him. Dauntless just stood there confused, the fuck just happened? Soon Great walked up to the table with Horrid, the two seemed to be getting along a lot better than when they first got here. The two leaders did also make a truce/deal about that, even if they didn't want too, though.

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