•|1|• Everyone arrives+ room arrangements

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A/N: This just before the story starts, so um this is like a joke between me and my friend. So, enjoy it or not, it's fine! Just please not too much criticism.

Two night operatives appear in a room.

"A group of individuals appear in a random room, they will be staying here for a bit, will they survive?" A random voice narrates the scene in front of them. The voice sounded feminine, but there is really no telling.

"Will you shut up random voice?!" One of the two nights yelled. He wore what the other night wore just with a light yellow arm band that had a upside down triangle on it, same as all the other nights but there's only two here right now, with a light yellow tie to match.

"S-survive...?" The other night spoke up, his voice was weak sounding. The other night in the room giving him a glare as this night speaks. The voice cleared their throat at the cowering night's response.

"Oh Powerless..." The voice sighed as they continued "that was a joke..." The voice ended with a sharp sigh.

"O-oh..." The now identified Powerless_night said in a weak voice. His eyes then immediately widened under his mask as he realized that this random voice knew his name. How odd for the creator of this monstrosity of a story to know your name.

"Alright... no one ask how I know all your names." The voice replied seemingly reading the two nights minds.

"I-" The night with the light yellow arm band started as yelling filled the room. Needless to say he immediately shut his mouth.

Three days have arrived.

A day wearing a golden yellow hat and a red uniform sipped his coffee with an odd glint in his eyes, while watching two other operatives fighting for God only knows what reason. One of the operatives was wearing a blue uniform with a similar color hat that looks like the hat Kyle from South Park wears, while the other operative was wearing a light brown uniform and a hat with a pretty big pair of goggles on top. Both operatives looked absolutely done with each other, while the one who was watching it all go down looked like he about to pass out, I mean that's just how tired he looks. The two nights fell quiet as the three new operatives appeared, the loudness of the two fighting was just enough to set the night from before with the light yellow arm band off.

"Will you guys just shut up?! I'm trying to do something!" The night yelled not paying attention to his surroundings at all. Powerless gave him a look that the night didn't notice because he has his mask on, but little did the night with the light yellow arm band know that the operative with the golden yellow hat gave him a glare that could not be read.

"Don't say that again..." The day operative practically yawned out, still sounding menacing but he's obviously tired, walking up to the night, grabbing him and giving him a very powerful death glare before continuing. "You got that [night operative], Merciless_night..." The day finished, it was obvious by the way the day operative was acting that he was not in the right head space at the moment. The two fighting operatives stopped to look at what was happening with the one in blue speaking up a bit later. The night in the day operative with the golden yellow hat's grasp was too stunned to even move, he wasn't expecting the operative to grab him yet along scold him for being a little bitch.

"HEY, SCARY..." The operative in blue practically shouted out to the one with the golden yellow hat now known as Scary_day. The operative in question giving a glare to the shorter as he let go of the now named, Merciless_night.

"What do you want, kid...?" Scary practically said under his breath, but thanks to the power of editor/author logic the operative in blue heard what he said.

"I THINKS WE IN A ROOM WITH ENEMY." The blue operative practically yelled/shouted in very broken English the very obvious fact that they were in a room with two night operatives, aka members of the Night Coalition which are the enemies of the days union.

DU and NC in one houseحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن