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jisung didnt want to rush things up so he took his time to try and bring back minhos memory bic he wanted to gain minhos trust first and then try to tell him everything.....

like this 2 weeks passed and jisung was falling more and more in love with the boy....although minho was still not rememberinga anything....but thay were very close

today jisung took the risk and took minho to a coffie shop....

at the coffie shop jisung and minho sat down and talked about stuff like work and all....

soon thay ordered some coffie and slices of cheescake and red velvet cake..

jisung pov : should i tell him directly or take it slow..idk....

lets take it slow...

jisung: soo minho have you herd about past lives...
minho: past lives?........no i havent why are you asking....
jisung: no reason would you like to come over tonight lix would love for you to come for dinner...
minho: ( smile ) sure why not..
jisung: ( smile ) ur so cute..
minho:  huh did you say somthing...
jisung: ( smirk ) i seid your so cute..
minho: ( blush ) o-oh thankyou ur handsome as well sung...
jisung: i have somthing to show you when you come tonight...
minho: ( smile ) okay..

with that thay started eating there cakes..but someone accidentaly got some cake on his cheek close to his lips..

jisung chockled at him...minho look at him confused and asked...

minho: what is it...
jisung: nothing you just got a little cake on your cheek..
minho: omg really......did i wipe it off..
jisung: no....here let me help you...

jisung took a napkin and held minhos chin and slowly wiped the pice of cake...minho just looked at jisung with his innecent doe eyes...

jisung noticed that minho was lost and put his thomb on top of his lips and wiped them softly and smiled at minho who had his eyes closed...

jisung started leaning in....



the door of the caffie opened and broke their moment jisung and minho pulled away awkwordly  and laughed it off

jisung: ( scratching the back of his head )  that....was somthing..
minho: ( blush+biting his lips ) .....yeah..

it was..

minho and jisung smiled at each other and continued to eat there cake slices and drink there coffies..

an: hellour im back🙃...

i have some news😔...

SHE SEID YESS!!!!!!!🥳🥳🥳

My Ghost ( minsung / hanknow )Where stories live. Discover now