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??: why cant you be more like you brother you useless pice of shit...
??: im sorry father...


??: jisung baby are you okay?
jisung: im fine lixi...
mr.han: dont drag yourself into this changbin!
changbin: dad his still young please he cant take over the company...
mr.han: what else can he do he doesnt even have friends his useless...
changbin: stop calling him useless didnt mom say to take care of him...
mr.han: your mom died bic of him...

that hurt jisungs feelings but his had an emotionless expresion on his face...

jisung: hyung its okay...im leaving this house...
felix: wha- jisung you cant do that honey...
jisung: its for the best lixi please dont be sad its bad for the baby...
changbin: jisung dont do this...
jisung: its ok hyung you can visit me anytime yeah...

mr.han was shocked to hear that but disnt say anything...

jisung went to pack his things...after packing he came down steirs...

jisung: goodbye guys thankyou for taking care of me...

jisung hugged felix and changbin... mr.han wasnt there so jisung just took his own car and drove away...

jisung finelly found a good apartament its was small but still his ganna be living alone there...he payed for the room...the room was on the 4th floor the nomber of the room was 333...

jisung got inside and put his stuff to a corner and stared at the room it was quit dusty so he satarted cleaning up..

after cleaning he eat a cup of nuddles and fell asleep bic of tiredness...

after some time around 3am..

out of nowhere the water started running witch coused jisung to wake up he went to the kitched and sow that the water was running...he brushed it of and turned of the water and went back to sleep....

days went by fast but jisung was somehow confused bic every singel night something would happen like water would start running by its self glass would brake and...

although jisung wasnt scared tho one night...

jisung was casually on his lapptop when suddently light started flickring this shocked jisung and he came to the thought that this apartament was haunted...

right naw he was kind of scared...

jisung got op from the couch and stared at the celing bic there was some sort of light...

jisung: what the heck...

just then somthing appeared infront of him...jisung just cept stareing at the creatur infront of him....

jisung: who are you...

jisung asked the creatur...

??: cant you tell...im a ghost...
jisung:.....a ghost...
??: yeah why arent you scared of me..
jisung: i dont know...

jisung was acutally mesmerized by his beauty....he had soch beautiful ocean blue eyes and was extreamly beautiful.. his plump pink lips...

jisung was lost in his thoughts and didnt realise that the ghost was calling him...

??: hello jisung are you even listening...
jisung: huh what were you saying and how the fuck do you know my name...
??: i have my ways and as i was saying why are you in my apartament...
jisung: bic i have nowhere else to go...
??: oh...
jisung: whats your name...
??: why do you wanna know my name?
jisung: you know mein so its not feir...
??: ugh fine....lee minho...
jisung: your very beautiful for a ghost minho...
minho: thankyou i guess...
jisunh: how did you die...
minho: its a long story...
jisung: its okay i'll listen...
minho: ( sigh ) ok...

ok so a year ago i came to this apartament and started living in this room..one day i was at the stor to buy some groceies on the way back i reached my floor but there were some guys there there names were mark jack and alex... thay started flirting with me  i was uncomfortable thay started comeing close to me i got scared and started running up the stairs throwing my bags on the way..i couldent go down stairs bic a different guy wad blocking the way his name was mike so i had no choice but to go to the rooftop soon i reached and thay were still following me i had no were else to go...

mark: you have nowhere to go naw preaty boy...

thay started comeing twords me i was takeing steps back...

alex: your ganna look so sexy under me...

i was terrified and didnt know that i  was getting close to the edge...i soon realised that...i got on top and i was more close to the edge naw...

mike: get him...

my foot sliped and i fell from the roof.. and from them on im stuck here..

minho didnt know that tears were sliping from his eyes...

jisung: hey its ok...

jisung reached his hand to wipe his tears but his hand went thrugh him...

jisung: oh i cant touch you...
minho: sorry you can only touch me when i dont use my power...
jisung: you have powers?
minho: yeah...
jisung: how are you still here if ypur dead shouldent you be in heaven...
minho: i dont know jisung...
jisung: maybe you need to take revange to go to heaven...
minho: i have no idea...
jisung: well we can try and take revange so that maybe you can go to heaven and be free..
minho: are you ganna help me?..
jisung: ofc...
minho: ( smile ) thankyou jisung...
jisung: no problem..
minho: well i guess we should start tomorrow i need rest..
jisung: ghosts sleep?
minho: yeah...
jisung: where are you sleeping..
minho: you see that closet..thats were my braclet that my mom gave to me is i sleep there bic it comfronts me...
jisung: oh well goodnight then minho...
minho: wait jisung..
jisung: huh what is it..

minho brought jisung in a hug...in jisungs arms he was quit small..jisung hugged him back...

minho: goodnight jisung...

and with that minho floted and went to the closet...jisung when to his room and sleept....

an: what do you think...let me tell you somthing thay dont have feelings for each other right NAW......but thay soon will dont worry..bye bye..

My Ghost ( minsung / hanknow )Where stories live. Discover now