chapter 5 - A LOST BET

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By the point where he took the thinnest file of all called Hawkeye. The rest of the crew got in the plane, and they started rolling to the departure area. As he opened it, a short snored escaped her lips as she saw that half of the file was blacked out. So, there wasn't much to read except that Hawkeye a.k.a. Clinton Francis Barton was an assassin of shield how's specialized in shooting arrows and spying. In the end there was a small handwritten note that stated that this was one of the agents who got turned by Loki.

The next file was even blacker than the previous one, so the only thing he could gather was the information that the Black widow a.k.a. Natasha Alianovna Romanova was a former Russian spy turned by Hawkeye into a shield agent. She's one the best assassins and spies of the world. Any further information was so blacked that nothing else could be extracted from it.

The last file was the biggest of all with many different folders in it.
It was the only folder Steve avoided so far 'STARK'.

It wasn't like Steve didn't know that this file will definitely be about Howard's son but for some unknown reason this was the file he was somewhat afraid of opening. Not only because it was so thick and a thick file in military language never meant something positive. Coupled with his knowledge that Stark industry doesn't produce weapons any more meant that this file is only about one person.

As he opened it the first folder was a Stark industry one. It was a long list about some prototypes the company made for shield but the information in it wasn't useful for his unschooled eyes, so she put it away again. The next folder was about an machine of energy or electromagnet. It seemed very important because this folder was for only a single machine, but there where many gaps as if they tried to reconstruct it instead of having the original plans for itself.

The following one was about Ironman. It contained a full-on character analysis about a tony starks private bodyguard whose identity is concealed behind an armor made of metal. It was very interesting to read about this mysterious man whose identity is only known by Howard's son. A so well kept secure that not even shields best spies could figure out his identity.

Just reading through the file made Stephanie excited it meant that her identity could be kept secret and she could have a normal life beside getting back into her superhero persona. She could be Captain America without having to sacrifice her chance of having a normal life. Nobody will recognize her in her now body. And all the agents how already know about her are being the captain are in Furry's inner circle so trustworthy that it won't come up in the files if she can convince Furry to hold back the information of the public.

Before she got to excited about the perspective of a normal life, she took out the last folder about Anthony Howard Stark. It was to put it in nice words a cold shower of reality after the ironman file. As it seems Anthony Stark was a spoiled brat in his 30s, how never had to work a single day in his life. Living like he owns the whole world and producing weapons till he got kidnapped 3 years ago before his bodyguard came saving him. After that his image of a good-looking genies playboy didn't change much except the fact that he stopped producing any weapons except for ironman and shield. And all his resources turned to renewable energy production, improvement of artificial intelligence and everyday machineries.

Shortly said he didn't change his attitude at all, only his focus of work, which made him even more popular than before and more self-observed so he was like Howard with double the arrogance and playboy image not really the nice image Stephanie had spun herself about him. In the end it doesn't really matter if she'll like him or not if his doing a good job.

She had spent over an hour just reading trough the files from Ironman and Anthony Stark before she put all files together and stood up, bringing the folders to Brock as Coulson how apparently was also on this airplane approached him.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 20, 2023 ⏰

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