Class 1A meets their Bodyguard!

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A/N Hello everyone! I am making this chapter so that you all can be happy with a new chapter from this story! I am going to be continuing on making more stories in the future and I hope you give me the satisfaction of leaving a comment on how you think these stories go. I just finished the third chapter of Healer's Warmth yesterday so please give that story a read. Let's begin the chapter!

Izuku moved about the mansion within the Yokai territory, most of the subordinates of Yasaka herself watched with amusement as the boy collected all his things for the job. He grabbed his stuff before giving one last look at the mansion before teleporting towards UA in order to start his first day as a bodyguard. After the number of problems that they were having, he felt it was needed that the school receives some form of help from the Yokai since they were the closest beings to the school. He appeared in front of the school when he felt the presence of Uraraka nearby, running to see where she was he soon found her talking to another classmate of hers. "I heard that we're getting a bodyguard for our class. I feel kind of bad for the person who will be protecting us from the villains. We already have some experience in fighting them, so having a bodyguard now feels kind of redundant." A pink skinned girl said, bouncing around the brunette. "Well only one way to find out who it is! We just have to wait for homeroom." Uraraka said, as she moved into the gates of the school. Izuku followed close behind the girl as he made his presence disappear from her peripherals. Soon enough Izuku made his way into the school walking towards the principal's office, as soon as he arrived he knocked on the door causing it to open up completely. "Ah! Midoriya, it has been a while since we last saw you as a vigilante." Nezu said, as he looked at the doorway. Once Izuku stepped into the room, he could sense the rodent's thoughts about using him for his school every year. "Don't worry about me principal, I'm only her to learn how to become a Hero with your 1A class, or 1B class. I will not become a pawn for someone who I am not a part of anymore." Izuku said, as Nezu cursed to himself in his thoughts. "What brings you here today?" Nezu asked. "I am here for the first day of by job of protecting your 1A class." Izuku said, as Nezu nodded his head. "You will be learning how to be a Hero through our best teacher Eraserhead, I'm sure you know about what kind of Hero he is... don't you?" Nezu asked, as Izuku nodded his head. "I know that he is an extremely lonely Underground Hero, he works with Vigilante's from time to time just to take care of the correct kind of justice when the daylight Heroes are asleep." Izuku said, as Nezu nodded his head. "Well I want to make sure that you can make it to your class on time, so please make yourself scarce from here." Nezu said, as he smirked. Izuku stood up before walking towards the door, but as he was about to walk through the door... he said something that placed the fear of God into him. "Next time you talk to me... rodent... make sure that you have a Hero next to you because I will not stop myself from killing you as a Dragon." Izuku said, as he walked off. For that day fore ward, Nezu would never tell anyone that he feared a boy like Midoriya.


Izuku arrived at the class he was supposed to guard whilst learning how to become a Hero from them and sighed in trepidation. "Alright class, we have someone here who was supposed to be here about 3 minutes ago. I believe that the principal kept him there longer than anticipated, but whatever. Come out Problem Child." The teacher said, as Izuku opened the door. As soon as Izuku walked through the door, he looked at the class before taking notice of Katsuki sitting near the front of the classroom. "*Sigh* Of course the class I was supposed to guard has him." Izuku said, to himself that was caught by a girl with earphone jacks as well as the teacher. "It's you!" Uraraka said, as she jumped from her seat. But as she made her way over to Izuku someone else beat her to it. "DEKU! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE!" Katsuki screamed out, attacking the boy. As soon as he threw his right arm in the direction of Izuku, the boy grabbed Katsuki's hand and threw him onto the ground. As Katsuki was catching his breath from being tossed over Izuku's shoulder, he moved to talk to Uraraka. "It's been a while Uraraka." Izuku said, as he stood near her. "It's been a few months yes." Uraraka said, as the other girls looked at the duo in confusion. "Get in your seats, we will talk about that interaction later, for now we have classes to get to." The classes teacher said. To Izuku he saw that the man had long scraggly black hair that extended to his upper torso on his back, and he had a capture weapon hanging over his shoulders and neck. "Alright Eraserhead." Izuku said, before finding a seat in the back corner of the room. The school day would continue onward as Izuku learned everything that the school was teaching once again. He was surprised that these classes were literally the same as the ones he took online back at the mansion within the Yokai territory. Class ends with Eraserhead leaving the classroom preparing himself for a long nap in the teacher's lounge. Uraraka and some of the other students moved to get to know Izuku, and for Uraraka she moved closer so that she can talk to him in private. Izuku walked with her as soon as he introduced himself to the other students within the classroom and was genuinely surprised when he found out that Katsuki was able to continue to be a Hero based on how his mother pleaded with the judge that her son was just raised improperly by his surroundings. Right now, Izuku was walking with Uraraka to her next class as she had the most impression of knowledge for him. Not only that, but they were extremely close to one another, and Izuku wanted to know what she wished to talk about. "Hey, so what did you wish to talk about?" Izuku asked, concerned. "Well, my parents found out about what happened back in Kyoto." Uraraka said, as she blushed heavily. "A-About what happened in the bathroom?" Izuku asked, in slight fear. Giggling a little she gives him a nod of her head before moving forward to the next class. They continued to talk about their respective families for the next few minutes before Izuku felt someone place their hand on his shoulder. Looking back, he found Katsuki staring at him like he murdered his dog. "You and I are going to have a talk later on today, and you will not leave me hanging." Katsuki said, as Izuku sighed. "Fine, whatever you want, you damn Pomeranian." Izuku said, walking off. The rest of the classes for the day are pretty fun! Present Mic had made English Class fun by making a lot of funny jokes about mothers and children running about, Cementoss made History slightly more informative by stating things that he believed that the people had stated, Midnight was more seductive for him to where he had to relieve himself in the bathroom from just her aroma alone. He really needed to get his perverted Dragon under control since he had a girl he really liked and wanted to be his mate. He wouldn't say it, but Uraraka was the girl that he thought about for the last few months since she was the only one who could get close to him without even trying that hard to get him to reveal things that he doesn't tell anyone else. She was nice, caring and most of all, in his eyes, sexier than most of the girls in the school that he met, her body was just perfect for him as well as the fact that she would grow into her more streamlined body in the future. He couldn't wait for when he asked her to become his mate in the future, and why was he thinking about this now? He never thought about having a mate before and now that he is, why her of all people? She wouldn't like a worthless Deku like him, and there is that problem. He thought he got rid of that version of himself when he trained himself to become strong enough to protect Yasaka from any and all danger. Shaking his head in slight anger at himself, he moved to the last class of the day which was surprisingly battle training with the Number 1 Hero... All Might. He had forgiven the man for crushing his dreams months ago, but he still feels a little miffed about how the man hadn't told him that he could become a hero without a quirk. But there was a new issue here... for some reason he felt threatened by Issei Hyoudou... the boy of the class who seemed perverted, but at the same time more intelligent than he let on. He talked to Mineta about becoming a Harem King, but at the same time making sure that he saves people like All Might. He was glad the boy wasn't only in it for the women, otherwise he might tell him about Stain, but why was his brain feeling threatened by the boy's presence? He shook his head and focused on the class the Hero was talking about, they were going to be fighting whilst quirkless and Izuku couldn't help but smile. It seems like his talk with the Hero got into his skull that it takes more than just a quirk to become a hero, it takes skill, as well as wit in order to become one.

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