Heroes vs. Red Dragon P.2

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A/N The image above is the form Izuku uses in order to keep his identity a secret from any and all opponents. He will have to fight the Heroes that are collected up inside the Kyoto airport as they will have the fight of their lives against an overpowered Izuku who will not be using the Boosted Gear to increase his strength every 10 seconds. He will just use the scale male in order to tank attacks that would normally send him flying in his base form. He will sense the Heroes before he even lands and gets into his Balance Breaker form before even showing his face. Don't worry no Heroes die in this fight, Izuku only fights to keep people alive, as well as make sure that the Heroes fighting him don't die. In fact when another Hero gets in the way of another attack, he will tank the blow that would surely kill them. Hero Students will be involved as well.

Izuku was flying the plane near the runway when he noticed the many levels of power in the airport that he recognized as the Heroes waiting for him. Sighing in exasperation he decided to get into his scale male that didn't have any wings as he landed the plane as he placed his belongings in a magic portal. He knew that he could just as easily teleport to Yasaka's home, but he really needed to make sure that these Heroes stop coming after him. He had a job to get to in order to protect his new leader as she was the only one who never thought bad of him, except for his timid nature that was beaten out of him by Thor. When the man noticed Izuku's timid nature towards women, he surrounded Izuku with the very endowed Valkyries as they were told to seduce him as much as possible, but not to the point of which he would take their virtues. Needless to say, it worked wonderfully to the point that he actually got along with all of the Valkyries but the only one he got along the best with was Rossweisse and Odin had made many jokes about them being together in his time training with them. Izuku got out of his plane as he saw helicopters with news agents inside recording him entering the building of the Airport as they reported the events. All around the world, everyone was watching as the Heroes prepared for their strongest opponent yet. Even All Might was there, and he was shaking either with excitement or trepidation since he couldn't know how Izuku got his power. From the last time he heard from Izuku, his power of the Red Dragon of Domination was extremely powerful not only that, but it was because he was quirkless in the first place that he never even knows about the power within himself. As they saw a huge person enter the area, they found a Draconic armor walking towards them as his aura was flowing around him like a second armor. Endeavor was the first to attack the armored being as he saw the Red Dragon as a villain from the beginning since he stated that the armor had to be a transformative quirk. They had made especially sure that Young Bakugo had not been aware of this raid on Red Dragon since the boy was sure to fuck things up even more if he was present. As Red Dragon shrugged off Hell flames in a form of a ball, the armored being walked closer to the group as Eraserhead made his announcement. "I can't turn off his quirk, so either it's a mutation or he has no quirk." Eraserhead said, as All Might move closer to Izuku. Izuku lowered his head as soon as the Hero who crushed his dreams stood in front of him with a sad smile on his face. [What do you wish to do... All Might.] Ddraig called out, as everyone heard the voice of the Dragon. "Are you willing to come in with us? I would rather not put civilians in danger with the area we are in." All Might said, staring at the emerald eyes that were being shown in the eye holes of the armor seeing Izuku's very expressive eyes. [We will not allow ourselves to be taken into the police. They will immediately place us in jail, I apologize All Might. But in order to stop us from where we're going... you'd have to kill us.] Ddraig said, as he challenged the Hero to kill his host. "How much more powerful did you get from your training?" All Might asked. [Buying time for more Heroes to come here? Or are you trying to get to know my host?] Ddraig asked. "I failed him as a Hero back when he was attacked by a Sludge Villain. And I crushed his dreams of being a Hero, and when he proved to me that he could be a Hero without a quirk... he inspired me to act to save both his life and Young Bakugo's life. Had he not been there, Young Bakugo would've died, and it would've been my fault." All Might said, and just as Ddraig was about to talk, All Might continued speaking. "But that doesn't excuse my actions for crushing his dreams. Now that you're back... are you going back into Vigilantism?" All Might asked. Izuku seemed to think with his eyes expressing that he was thinking about what All Might said, it wasn't a shock to the man that Izuku shook his head no. [My host has decided to not pursue his Dream of being a Hero. He learned that the world doesn't like those of Quirkless status, and he will just go to Kyoto's capital and continue his job there.] Ddraig said, as All Might looked at them in confusion. "What job?" He asked, concerned. [My host is the bodyguard of Lady Yasaka, the leader of the Yokai Faction. His job is to keep both her and her daughter safe, and with all you Heroes here...] Ddraig said, increasing the power of Izuku to the point that every single Hero was on edge. [You all are getting in our way!] Ddraig called out, punching All Might in the face, sending the man flying into Endeavor.

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