“Ugh, where are we…?” Cross moved his arms behind him and moved to a sitting position. He smiled brightly and gave his hand to Cross. He finally answered his question when Cross stood up.

“Well Cross, welcome to my Doodlesphere!”


Cross was very confused when he woke up. One moment he was fighting a dragon, the next he’s in a beautiful but unknown area. 

Well, unknown to him.

Apparently Ink knew the place very well, as it was his. 

“This place was entirely made by me! I created it years ago, unfortunately, it decided to take a nap when I went out once which caused me to be locked out by accident.” Ink had explained to him.  

“Wait, did you say create? How did you create…this?” Cross asked. It was obvious that Ink knew magic, but enough to be able to create this whole world?(He didn’t actually know what this place was, but he assumed it was something he wouldn’t understand anyway.)

“With my magic!” Was the only response, with no further explanation. Ink changed his expression rather quickly.

“We can’t stay here for long. It would be easier to find if we did. If anyone knows about the location of my Doodlesphere… it won’t end well.” Ink informed. Cross could only nod in acknowledgement. 

Ink gave him a bright smile, “Great! Let’s go!” Ink grabbed him by the back of the shirt and threw him through a portal. He quickly followed.


“You better keep a good watch on them!” Ink glared. 

Cross was currently sitting cross legged on the ground with splotches in his hold. “I’m sure i’ll do fine Ink, it’s only for a few hours.” Cross rationalized. He saw Ink take a deep breath. “Right, I believe in you.” 

Ink knelt down and pet all the individual heads of the hydra, “I’ll be back, I just need a few things” he whispered. 

Ink stood up straight and grabbed Broomie, “Behave yourselves!” He then walked away. 

Cross moved Splotches so he could look at them better. He looked at the heads with uncertainty, “Huh, you aren’t that bad I suppose.”

At that moment one of the heads decided to breathe fire.

At him.

“What the hell!?-”


Error narrows his eyes.

He was currently in the skies, his large wings flapping in a rhythm. 

He’d been looking for those pesky abominations for too long. 

He’d been surprised when they both disappeared, however he quickly recovered, and started searching right away. As annoying as it was, he did fear a bit they had managed to get into his cave. One cave search later and he was pleasantly surprised to find they weren’t there. However, this still meant he had to find them before they did get to the cave. It was already a problem that they were as close as they were. It was foolish that they did not flee the second they saw him, especially the shorter one. 

He chose to give up looking for the abominations, ‘I’ll just destroy them if they chose to come back, for now I should relax…’

He was practically a god, able to destroy anything he wanted to, with one exception. 

That stupid artifact. 

He’d tried to destroy it half of a millennia ago when he discovered what it did to him. Only to find that he couldn’t and that if he did it would only cause him to lose his abilities anyway. 

How he regretted agreeing to the deal he made with the stupid kid all those years ago. 

‘Whatever, it’s not like I can do anything about that now,’ He accelerated higher up in the sky. Once high enough, he stopped and turned his head to find what he was looking for. With his heightened vision it didn’t take long to find it. 

A village.

He could feel a sinister grin spread across his snout. 

He dove in the direction of the village, opening his mouth to channel energy. He made sure to burn all the flammable buildings he could see. He used his tail like a whip to hit items around. He slashed around with his sharp claws, hoping to hit anything in reach.

Of course, the screams of terror were always a warm welcome.

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