5. ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴅᴀɴɢᴇʀ

Start from the beginning

"Silent takedown, on the right."

Just like Kenji said, there were two guards. The three worked together and took the two of them down. Not kill, just made them pass out. Kenji sighed in relief.

"THERE!" A voice called out from behind.

The three turned around, and to their horror, a guard caught them, aiming a gun at their heads.

"GET DOWN!" Kenji yelled as the three knelt behind a building, barely avoiding laser bullets.

"Well, any bright ideas?!" Aidan looked around in a panic.

"We're hiding until they lose us." Kenji responded.

"That's not gonna work, and it'll also slow us down, we need an escape." DJ started to think, then glanced up at the abandoned automobiles building. He grinned. "..actually, I got an idea. Follow me." He dragged the two towards the place, swiftly avoiding bullets. Once they made it in, guards started to swarm the outside of the building.

Starting to look inside drawers, DJ quickly found a pair of car keys. "We're driving! Let's find where these go! The lot is out back."

Pressing up against a window that let them view the lock, DJ clicked the keys. They didn't unlock a car like they expected, but rather a motorcycle.

"Does anyone know how to drive one of those?" Aidan looked back.

"I do. Gimme the keys." Kenji held his hand out.

Tossing them over, the three started out the door for the vehicle, quickly hopping on and starting it up. They could hear the guards approaching quickly. Once it fully started, Kenji drifted and took off, leaving them in the dust. They off-roaded until they started to approach the proper road. Once they did, they got a lot faster.

DJ, on the very back, looked behind them. Guards were approaching quickly.

Turning around, DJ took a few smoke bombs from his belt.

"How much longer until we get to a wooded area?!"

Aidan, hanging onto Kenji for dear life, peeked over his shoulder. "A few more hours!"


Unequipping another small section from his belt, it unfolded and grew into a full blown bow. With some arrows that unfolded the same way, DJ started aiming and shooting. Thankfully, the bow had some force to it. However, it seemed with every soldier he shot down, two more would take its place.

"Can this thing go any faster?!"

"It can, but you'll need to hold on!" Kenji shouted back.

Turning around and holding on, they sped up on the empty road. It looked the same for miles. The guards were getting farther away. Apparently, they couldn't keep up with them going that fast. They didn't slow down, despite them not being able to catch them.

Eventually, they came across the wooded area. Making a turn towards it, Kenji slowed down and drove into it, landing and skidding in the dirt. Once they landed, they dragged the bike and themselves into a bush and hid, hearing the guards finally catch up and fly past. Some of them landed on the road instead.

"They're so small that they keep getting away."

"General is not gonna be very happy about this.. nor is the big guy himself."

"You think they're headed towards D.C.?"

"Might be."

"If they are, General's gonna kick our butts for sure."

"Or maybe he'll just hand us over to _nala."

"Yeah. Why wouldn't he, anyway? I don't think that guy's got free will."

"How would that even be possible? He makes all our plans and stuff."

"I'm just saying, he has no remorse. That's what I take away from it." They started to lift up and take off, quickly flying to catch up with their teammates.

The three just took a second to de-tense, shake everything off. Aidan was still visibly shaking from the sheer speed. They didn't go that fast often.

"Guess we'll be there sooner on this thing." DJ leaned against the tipped over motorcycle.

"If we use it, we'll have to constantly off-road."

"Fine with me. Aidan?"

"If we don't have to walk, it's cool with me." Aidan looked over.

"You good? You're still shaking, dude." DJ chuckled a bit.

"Have you ever been on a motorcycle going.. what.. 200 miles per hour? With no helmet? Or protection?"

Maybe shaking was the correct response to that situation after all. DJ didn't even notice the danger, being too caught up in the thrill and adrenaline. He didn't even think about gear. "I guess not."

"We'll go slower once we get going." Kenji peeked out from behind the bush. "Speaking of, we should be good now. Get the bike up, let's get out of here."

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