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Just the continuatation of the 2. Part :P. Have fun.

Alastor: "Well, now I'm going to work. See you later."

Lucifer: "See ya."

Alastor brushed his hair while telling and he went out of the room. It's evening and Lucufer is doing dinner, but he's suprised what a big job Alastor does that he still didn't come back to the hotel. After dinner everyone went into their rooms and gotting ready for sleeping but Lucufer stayed downstairs, cuz he wanted to wait for Alastor and ofc ask him what's up with him. So Alastor came back somehow at evening/night. Lucifer was sitting on the couch and Alastor went into hotel. His suit was bloody and the ends of his pants and his boots too.

Lucifer: "I think I know what you did again."
Alastor: "I am full lf news and you don't know?.."

Alastor sitted on the other couch and Lucifer standed up and came to the kitchen.

Lucifer: "I'm not watching TV always, silly. But I though himself TV can be weaker then you."

Alastor: "How do you know I fighted with Vox?"

Lucifer did a tea while was talking and after Alastor's sentence he sitted next to him.

Lucifer: "I am king of Hell. I have to know everything, so I know you are enemie with Vox."

Lucifer gave Alastor a tea.

Alastor: "Why do you care about me a lot?"

Lucifer: "Uhh... Be glad someone really are cares about you."

Lucifer standed up and already went into their/his room. Alastor stayed silent but after he relized-

Alastor's mind: "Wait- he REALLY CARES ABOUT ME???"

Alastor after his minding went to his/their (bruh idk) room and he wasn't saying anything. Lucifer was already in pijama and was just sitting on the couch.

Lucifer: "You look nervus, 'deerie'. How come?

Alastor: "I'm just tired."

Lucifer: "Yeah, who wouldn't be after WHOLE FUCKING DAY fighting with the TV?" *Giggles*

Alastor: "Well, I'm just not stronger then Vox, and what?"

Lucifer: "Ahh. Nah, just funny."

Alastor slamed door into bathroom and closed the door.

Lucifer: "Deer is angryyyyy~"

Alastor came back from the bathroom with pijama on.

Alastor: "Saying guy who don't know to stay in Heaven, with his wife and with good realitonship with his daughter."

Lucifer: "HEY- Wait...Wha.."

Alastor: "Yeah, I know."

Lucifer: "HOW???"

Alastor: "I was listening to door when you was talking with Charlie."

Lucifer: "Uhhh...well okay- I am divorced with Lilith, and what?"

Alastor grabbed Lucifer's hand.

Alastor: "But still the ring?"

Lucifer will shove Alastor and quickly took off the ring.

Lucifer: "Just... still didn't take it off."

Alastor: "Forget it. Let's go sleep."

They layed into da bed and gOoD nIgHt

Okay guys! This is 3. Part of my RadioApple story and I hope you enjoyed! And also sorry I didn't write anything yesterday, I had a lot of work. Have a nice morning/ day/ evening/ night, my apples!

Just Friends? (Lucifer X Alastor)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora