First Meet

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Lucifer was sitting in his palace on a couch and drinking his morning coffee while reading some book. When he was going to take the other sip, he heard someone's knocking on the door of his room.

Lucifer: "Come in."

Lilith: "Hi, Luci. I need to talk with you about something."

Lucifer: "Talk, I'm listening "

Lilith: "You know our love ended years ago... I want divorce."

Lucifer was still looking into the book and didn't even want to look at Lilith, he just stayed silent.

Lilith: "I will still stay in the palace until I'll find some place where to stay. Now I'll go."

Lilith took her ring from finger and laid it on stool. She walked away from room. And what about Lucifer? He wasn't very sad about it. He stopped love Lilith years ago as same like Lilith, they stayed together just for Charlie, but he still felt inside something like sadness. Lucifer after he drank his coffee, made up on his mind, that he would go into the Hazbin Hotel cuz he didn't want to be with Lilith in palace and he wanted to spend time alone. So he standed up and went to bag his things into bag. He changed into his normal clothes and he went into Hazbin Hotel. When he was outside the door, he was suprised why is not on the hotel writed "Happy Hotel" but is there "Hazbin Hotel". But he didn't very care. He knocked on the door. Charlie after some seconds opened the door.

Charlie: D-dad! What are you doing here?

Lucifer: Hi, Charlie. I just wanted to talk with you.

Charlie: Umm.. Alright! Come in!

Lucifer went into the Hotel and he saw some high man staring at him in the dark. He reacted just with a grin, cuz it seemed for him more funny then scary. Anyways, Charlie with Lucifer went into Charlie's room. Lucifer lied his bag on floor.

Charlie: "So what you wanted to talk about, dad?"

Lucifer: "Well... Maybe it is a bit suprising but...Uhh... Me and your mother are getting divorced. She'll stay in my palace, that's why I'm here. I would like to stay for some time."

Charlie: "Oh my... That's actually suprising. And...Uhh....that with your stay. That would be maybe a bit problem."

Lucifer: "How come?"

Charlie: "Well... We have lost a lot of keys of rooms, so you need to stay in someone's room."

Lucifer: "Are you sure here's not another way?"

Charlie: "I don't think so...but come on! You will find some new friends!"

Lucifer: "Well, alright. With who I'll be in the room?"

Charlie: "Hmmm...I guess with Alastor."

Lucifer: "Pfft- Alastor? The deer man? He's even here?"

Charlie: "Yeah... That's long story. But don't worry! Alastor has big room and he's friendly!"

Lucifer: "Alright. I guess I will survive it."

Charlie: "Uhuh.. Well ummm. I'll show you your room!"

Lucifer: "Alright."

So Charlie showed where is Alastor's, now also Lucifer's room. Lucifer stayed in the room. Whereas he wanted to rest, he went on the balcony and just watching on people out there. After some time Alastor came into his room.

Alastor: "Hmm...What a suprise."

Lucifer came back in the room from the balcony

Lucufer: "My daughter haven't told you I'll be here?"

Alastor: "I didn't even know You're here."

Lucifer: "Whatever. I think you already know who I am. Do you?"

Alastor: "Oh, of corse! The King of Hell, Charlie's father... Lucifer!"

Lucifer: "Pretty. And You're Alastor if I'm right, hm?"

Alastor: "Yeah, that's me."

Lucifer: "Little bit funny, someone likw you came to help my daughter with her hotel for redeem. Do you have fun here?"

Alastor: "A bit boring. Noone really cares princess of Hell has hotel for redeeming."

Lucifer: "True. Shall we sit?"

Alastor: "Mhm.."

So Alastor and Lucifer sited on the couch and talked together about any things. It's going to be late and Charlie called everyone, that dinner is ready. Everyone came downstairs and ate their dinner. Lucifer and Alastor came back to the room. Lucifer relized there's just one bed. He a bit blushed.

Lucifer: "I just relized... ._."

Alastor chuckled

Alastor: "Seems we have to sleep together. I mean- You know"

Lucifer: "Pfft- Yeah."

Well they decided they will sleep in the same bed, cuz what else they have to do.

Lucifer: "Well, now I'm gonna take a shower."

Alastor: "Mhm."

Okay, ehem- after shower, (bruh I feel so hyped :^) Lucifer changed into the pijama and while he was in shower, Alastor changed into pijama too. Lucifer came from the bathroom.

Lucifer: "You won't take a shower?"

Alastor: "I don't like showering much."

Lucifer: "Mhm, Well alright. Shall we go sleep now?"

Alastor: "Yeah, this day was hard for me."

Lucifer: "Same.."

Lucifer layed in the bed and Alastor too

Lucifer: "Uhh..Good night I guess."

Alastor: "Good night"

After some hours, Lucifer still cannot fall asleep, so he went on the balcony for a fresh air.

Lucifer: "How You can be so nervus with someone like Alastor.. It's just sleeping in same bed. *Inhale* Well let's go back."

Lucifer went back into bed and he finally falled asleep after some time.

Alright guys! I hope you enjoy this episode of this ship :P. Well now I'm to rest and play with my friend. Have a nice morning/day/evening/night.

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