"Pretty like purple."

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Robins POV:

"Hey, Vance."
"Yeah man?"
"So um, homecomings coming up and—"
"Wait dude are you trying to ask me out." He said, his face scrunched up.
"WHAT NO EW? I wanted to ask Finney.." I whispered.
"Hah fag!"
"Dude you're literally gay."
"Whatever, but anyways. Bruce and him have a baseball game coming up, ask him out after the game with a poster and roses or some cheesy shit."
"Wait, that's smart."
"I know it is, about time you asked him out."
"When's the game?" I asked, I clearly need to find out what day they have games on.
"Tomorrow, you seriously don't know?"
"Um no. Okay bye Vance!"
I ran out of the school, stopping Gwen, who was waiting for Finney.
"Jesus fuck, what do you want, have you seen Finney?"
"Uh, no. But what's Finneys favorite candy?"
"Sour patch kids, specifically the blue ones."
"Alright thanks!"
I ran off, opening the door to my house and seeing that my mom wasn't home. I slipped off my bandana and tossed it to the side.
Would a card be to much? What if he didn't like it? What if he said no? What if I ruin everything!
I huffed and tried to get my mind off of things.
I headed downstairs into the basement which was pretty much my little hide out. I looked at the piano I had in the back and sighed.
I hadn't played in awhile, and I needed to do something to keep myself from having a nervous break down so I sat down and placed my fingers on the keys.
(I don't play piano so I like have no clue what I'm doing, I can barely play my guitar....)
I slowly pressed down on them before getting the hang of it again.
(idk what song to choose that has piano so just imagine whatever song you want atp💀✌️..)
After playing for an hour and a half I heard the sound of the door opening and footsteps coming down into the basement.

"Robin eres tu? No te he escuchado tocar en mucho tiempo, eh, bueno, suenas increíble querida" my mom said, standing over my shoulder now.
"Gracias mamá, ¿puedo decirte algo serio?" ("Thanks mama, can I tell you something serious?"/ I'm only putting this part in English because yeah)

"Si cariño." ("Yes hun.")

"Entonces recuerdas a Finney, ¿verdad? Bueno uhm... ¿me gusta...?" ("So you remember Finney, right? Well uhm... I like him...?") I almost choked on my words, looking down at the piano keys.

"Finney es un chico dulce, soy tu madre. No pienso menos de ti que lo que hice, ¿vale? ¿Sabe él?"
("Finney is a sweet boy, I'm your mother. I don't think any less of you than I did, okay? He knows?)"

"Gracias mamá, planeo decírselo mañana."
("Thank you mama, I plan on telling him tomorrow.")

She smiled and wiped a tear from my cheek.

"ahora ve a sacar la basura, ¡ah y! Estoy preparando la cena, así que date prisa."
("Now go take out the garbage, oh and! I'm making dinner so hurry up.")
I smiled at the sudden change of mood and got up, closing the fall board.
I walked upstairs with her and shut the basement door, taking the garbage out to the curb before going back inside and heading up the stairs to my room.
I felt stressed about tomorrow so I decided to just punch the stress out.
I huffed out of breath, my knuckles started to hurt a little so I decided to shower before throwing on a tank top and sweatpants and tying my hair into a bun. Before hearing my mom call me downstairs for dinner.
"Gracias por la comida mamá" I said before picking up my fork and eating.
I noticed she seemed tired so I decided to just stay quieter than usual.
"Hey mamá, can I run to the store? I have money and I can just walk."
She looked up at me and then nodded.
"Thanks mamá."
I put on my coat and shoes before putting the hood up and heading outside.
And then I saw a black van.

I don't have the mentality to give Robin that trauma🫶
I headed down the street, the lights flickered on.
Once I got to the store I started searching for flowers, I didn't know Finneys favorite color since he told me he liked all colors besides yellow. (No offense yellow, you just remind me of my dehydrated piss.)
I settled on some pastel purpleish roses with lavender since he likes those kinds of smelly things, I forgot the word.
(Candles Robin candles)
I then headed to the candy isle and grabbed some blue sour patch kids. Next stop is the art isleeeee!
I searched for the isle for a few minutes before finding it, I grabbed a decent sized poster with different shades of purple sharpies to match the purple theme.
Hopefully he likes purple.
He's pretty like purple.
I went to the self checkout and hit the Spanish option since I had more trouble reading in English then Spanish.
Once I payed I gently placed the poster and sharpies in a bag and walked back out into the cold.
"Jesus fuck it's cold-!" I shivered, wanting to get home as soon as possible, the sky was pretty tho.
The sky👇

(And yes I took this photo😍)

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(And yes I took this photo😍)

I got home and set the stuff on the table quietly, taking off my shoes and jacket.
I assumed mom was asleep or doing something in her room, I took the stuff out of the bag and set the flowers to the side, starting on the sign.
I took the sharpie and started writing is my neatest handwriting,
Or at least that's what I thought I wrote at the time..
After a few minutes of staring at the board I realized I spelled it wrong, I pulled out my phone and texted Vance.
"Vance. I spelled homecoming wrong."

"The fuck, how'd you spell it?"




And then he ignored the rest of my messages.
I was so annoyed, how the fuck could I have spelled that wrong!? ughh! Finneys gonna think I'm an idiot, which he isn't wrong but like—
I had nothing to fix it with and I couldn't just flip it over and redo it because I tested the markers out on the back.
I ended up getting over it and moved on, decorating the whole poster with little purple hearts of different shades and taping the sour patch kids to it.
I ran up to my room and set the stuff in the corner and sat down on my desk, staring at the ceiling.
I was nervous, which was rare. I wasn't the nervous type, most considered me laid back.
That was unless things went wrong, but still. I normally wasn't as nervous, I felt like my stomach was doing 360's I screamed into my pillow dramatically before falling asleep.

Sighs in finally being done with this chapter............
(1234 words)

My defender |Rinney| DISCONTINUEDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora