"Its decided, and thats final."

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Robin opened the door to his house, helping me inside. It was honestly more cheery then I would expect. Bright, well decorated. "¡Mamá! Llegué a casa temprano porque mi amigo resultó herido y le ofrecí que se quedara, ¿está bien?" Robin said slightly louder than his normal voice so his mother could hear.
"¡por supuesto, cariño! ¿Tienen hambre, muchachos?" I heard a woman call out, assuming it was his mother.
"Are you hungry?" Robin asked nicely, looking at me.
"Oh uh no no I'm fine!" I said, not wanting to be rude, even tho I was starving.
"¡Sí Mamá, gracias!" Pulling me into the kitchen, revealing a woman who looked very similar to Robin. "Hello ma'am." I said kindly, waving slightly.
"Oh please, don't call me ma'am, My names Isabela!" She said in a thick spanish accent.
"Alright! I'm Finney."
"Come, sit sit!" She said, pulling out plates, putting Enchiladas on the plates, the food smelled amazing. The steam blew off it slightly, making it perfect for the cold winter.
(I know I didn't do a great job last story chapter of mentioning its winter😇🔫)
She set the plates down infront of us.
"Chicos, diviértanse, necesito correr a la tienda de comestibles." The woman would say, I assumed its because she wasn't sure how to say it fully in english.
"¡Alright, love you, bye mamá!"
"Bye ma'a- Isabela!" I'd say smiling kindly.
"She likes you, she normally doesn't let people stay over." Robin would say once his mother left.
"Oh? Really?"
"For sure, wanna go to my room?"
"Sure!" I'd smile, following him to his room.
Robins room would be big, but cozy. He had a punching bag in his room which I found was really cool.

Robins pov:
Smiling, as he looks around in awe. Honestly I've never seen him so relaxed. His eye brows aren't furrowed in stress or like he's trying to focus to hard he looks kinda cute..-?
Wait no. You just met this guy!?
I shoved all of the unwanted thoughts at the bottom of my brain. I'll worry about them some other time. I sat on my bed and patted the mattress signaling for Finn to sit down.
"Finney, I think you should tell the principle about earlier today, you could've been hurt worse!" I'd say.
"I cant, I told you."
I'd groan, "Finney fucking tell them, please."
"I cant!" He'd say frowning, "They will hurt me worse, and even go after my sister!"
"If you wont tell them I will." I'd say, coming out a little more stern that I hoped it would.
"Robin n-"
I cut him off, placing my hand over his mouth.
"I'll protect you." I said, smiling and looking down at him. "I promise, okay?"
"Robin no, I don't want you to get hurt!" He'd remove my hand from his mouth.
"No, its decided, and thats final." Finney let out a long groan, knowing once I made up my mind, there was no changing it. I smiled fist pumping the air jokingly celebrating my victory, and his defeat.

sorry im posting this so late, and so short. I wanted to get just something out there for the day and I sorta rushed
( I'm to lazy to proof read 😘💪 )
Next chapter will probably more exciting and have more characters then just mainly Finney and Robin

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