Chapter 15- 8's A Lucky Number

Start from the beginning

Looking back, Heather had wished she'd seen the signs. Aspen had absent mindedly given her so many she could've caught but Heather was just too wrapped in the girl's beauty to ever notice just how thin the girl had gotten or how she had talked about no longer having the energy to do the things she had once loved. Aspen had given her so many signs, why couldn't she have fucking caught at least one?

Eve suddenly came running back up to the best friends, "His name is Peter! Like Peter Rabbit!" Eve held out the bunny with her limp child arms. "Can we keep him?"

Heather looked at Aspen, the blonde shrugged. "Um, I think you'd have to ask mom and dad."

"But they're going to say no." Eve pouted and brought Peter back into her chest. "They always say no."

Aspen and Heather shared a solemn look, it was around this age that Eve was finally starting to process her parents behaviors, she probably knew them better than anyone else. To Heather, whenever her parents got drunk they were incredibly unpredictable, but to the younger girl, it seemed like she always knew what to do. Eve had seen the bottles in her parents hands earlier and knew that if she were to ask they'd yell, or worse... hit.

Eve didn't let this moment get to her though, she usually was the type of kid to cheer up quickly. She had swiftly brought Peter back to the lady running the petting zoo and was rushed back over to her sister, who was talking to Aspen by the fruit punch. She didn't say a word, instead she just grabbed their hands and pulled them towards the giant blow up slide. There was basically no line since the handful of kids at the party chose to do other activities instead of going down the slide. As the three reached the top Aspen couldn't help but notice there were only two slides and three of them. "Aspy! You have to sit on Heather's lap!" Eve demanded, she refused to go down the slide without both of them going down with her.

Aspen and Heather's eyes widened in sync and they whipped their heads to each other. With red cheeks they opened their mouths, trying to find words that would help them. Eve didn't give them time to reply as she sat at the edge of her slide and impatiently pat slammed her hand on the older girl's slide, telling them to sit. It wasn't something Eve was proud of but she could be quite the shit when she was younger.

The older girls looked back at each other, no words needed to be said as they silently asked each other if they were ok with this. When the conclusion came as a 'yes' Heather sat down on the edge and then helped Aspen maneuver on her lap. Aspen finally sat on Heather's lap but hovered slightly, afraid Heather might judge her if she put her full weight on Heather's lap.

The two girls sat there and waited for Eve to count them off. "Three! Two!" Eve pushed herself down the slide with a cheeky grin, "One!" Heather, who only just noticed her sister cheating, pushed her and Aspen off the edge and soon they were racing towards the end of the slide.

As they plummeted to the bottom Aspen felt like she was flying. But it wasn't because of the fact she was quite literally bouncing as they went down the slide. Ot was because of the person who had latched their arms around her waist and dug their head in between her shoulder blades. Heather wasn't that big of a fan of rides that threw her around and this high slide did exactly that.

Soon enough, the two slammed into the air filled wall that signified the end of their journey down the slide. Heather leaned back in a fit of giggles, dragging Aspen down with her so her back was laying against Heather's front. The two laughed together over nothing and when Aspen felt a third body suddenly flop on her stomach their laughing fit got worse. "I won!" Eve bragged as she laid across Aspen and Heather.

"Yeah only because you cheated." Heather reminded her younger sister, no fire behind her words.

"Nuh uh, Aspy tell her I didn't cheat."

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