Chapter 13- Bigger Than The Whole Sky

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"You promised me, Charlie. Please just wake up. Open your eyes, please." Eve knew her pleas weren't going to get them anywhere. But the girl just stayed clung to him, stretching out any bit of hope that was left in her body. She searched for any sign that he could still be alive and would wrap his heavy arms around her.

Ellie was about to speak to the younger girl but a deafening sound was heard behind them. The siren was easily recognizable, especially in the area she had grown up in. The red head stood off to the side and let the paramedics rush into the apartment. The world around the girl was fuzzy but she could see the outline of Eve pushing the paramedics off her, "No!" Eve was inconsolable, tears cascading down her face as she thrashed her arms to loosen the grip of the paramedics. "Let go! Fucking let go!"

The three paramedics in the room all shouted at her, demanding she let go of the only male figure in her life that had been a constant support system. Eve didn't listen; she refused to listen. The young girl felt as though if she were to let go she would never be able to see him again, she would never feel his warmth again, Eve couldn't stand the thought of going everyday without him.

As Ellie watched the girl clung onto her father for dear life she tried her best to come back to the moment. As her world became less fuzzy she slowly came behind Eve and

Kneeled behind her hunched over body. Ellie noticed the paramedics' arms grabbing onto her crush's body so she pushed them away and glared at them. The redhead then let her gaze soften as it focused on the crying girl in front of her. She leaned over and wrapped her arms around Eve's back, just like what the younger girl had done to her moments before.

"Let go of me!" Eve continued yelling and thrashing her body in hopes Ellie would leave her. The red head didn't loosen her grip on the girl and instead tightened it. Ellie shushed her gently, "I'm sorry, Evelyn. He's gone." Tears ran down both girls' faces as Ellie tried to soothe the girl into letting go. Ellie had no clue why she was doing this, she hated Charlie for years and now her future might be ruined because of him. But here she was, crying over his dead body and grieving for him.

It's kind of funny really, how quickly someone can change based on who they're hanging out with. In the one week Ellie had found herself lounging around Charlie's apartment she had never felt more aware of herself. It might've been because she wasn't drunk to the point of blacking out but she was fully aware of everything she was doing. Before this Ellie had known she was an asshole, but she didn't know that she was an absolutely rotten dirtbag who deserved to be kicked to the curb.

Those few days where Eve and Charlie had shown her endless support would change her forever. Their love and relentless hard work would leave an indelible mark on Ellie that would push her to do exactly what Eve had asked last night in her apartment. Ellie was going to use Charlie's money for therapy, she wasn't going to push people away anymore.

Two pairs of footsteps were heard entering the room but the girls didn't look. They both knew who it was, especially when they heard familiar sobs escape both of the women. One of the pairs stayed frozen, eyes locked onto the scene in front of them. The other approached the sobbing friends and gently tapped the red head's shoulder. When Ellie looked at her she saw the pleading look on the woman's eyes and she understood what she was asking. Ellie looked at the younger girl who was violently shaking from how intense her sobs were and unraveled herself from her, trying to ignore the way she cried harder without Ellie's arm around her.

"Evie." Heather said, rubbing her sister's back in circles. "Evie, we have to go."

"No, no I can't leave him." Eve shook her head and clung harder to the man's unresponsive body.

The older Keaton looked at the paramedics who were impatiently waiting for Eve to step away from the body. "Evie I know it hurts but staying here will only make it worse." Eve didn't respond to Heather, only crying harder than what seemed possible. The sight broke the three other women's hearts, in their own ways they were close to Charlie but nothing compared to the bond Eve and Charlie had together. They spent everyday together and had formed a bond deeper than what seemed possible considering they had only known each other for a year.

Everything I've Wanted (ellie the whale x fem oc)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα