The guard nodded, signaling the others to lower their spears.

"You are still not allowed inside," the guard said. "You would need permission from someone with higher clearance."

Main winced. He'd been worried about this. Reluctantly, he pulled out another scroll.

Where the last scroll had been red and gold, this scroll was a dull orange and yellowish-copper. Main hadn't been able to find the right colors of ink, unfortunately. He'd also been forced to fake the imperial coat of arms using half a potato carved with a picture of a lion.

On the paper, Main had written a brief command, using his fanciest handwriting:

Do whatever this guy tells you to do.

Emperor Tieron

P.S. Don't ask any questions.

Main held his breath, getting ready to run if things went sour. These guards weren't exactly smart, but Main knew he could only push them so far before they figured out-

"I will obey the paperwork," the lead guard said.

Main was shocked to realize that he honestly hadn't expected that to work. The paper was passed around to the other guards, who nodded as well. A few of them even saluted Main.

Having an army of mind-controlled soldiers, as it turns out, has its trade-offs. On the one hand, legions of soldiers that never run away or question orders must be extraordinarily convenient for an Evil Emperor trying to take over the world.

On the other hand it also meant that, with the right paperwork, you could do almost anything and no one would stop you.

At least, temporarily. As per regulation, the paperwork that Main had just handed the guard would need to be submitted to the palace. As soon as they figured out that the paperwork was fake, these guards would receive new orders to hunt Main to the ends of the earth. But for now, at least this bought Mainain some time.

"Uhhhhh wow, great! *Ahem* That's great," Main said. "Now let me in the vault."

"I will obey the paperwork," the lead guard said.

The guards opened the door. Main rushed into the room and, as soon as the door was closed, he locked every latch and deadbolt he could see. It wasn't much, but it was better than nothing. With any luck, Main wouldn't be leaving the way that he'd come in.

Finally, Main turned around and came face to face with the vault that he'd spent the last three weeks trying to break into. Rows and rows of shelves filled the large, one-room log cabin. Light streamed in through tight barred windows, set in the walls around seven feet up. Racks of weapons were arrayed on the walls, and tiny bronze plaques labeled a variety of drawers.

This vault held the most valuable resource that this world had to offer. A resource that the Emperor had ordered his brainwashed minions to fight and die for.



Three hours later, Main wasn't any closer to finding what he'd come for.

According to the rumor he'd heard, the Emperor's dungeon raiders had found a "Ring of Teleportation," capable of teleporting anywhere. Supposedly, it was silver with emerald green arrows along the side. Assuming that rumor was true, that would mean the ring was somewhere in this vault. In theory, it should have taken him around five minutes to find the ring, another five minutes to figure out how it worked, and Main could teleport home in time for dinner.

In theory, that is.

Main used a set of iron tongs he'd found to gingerly pick up a magic sword. The air was thick with orange sparks and the scent of ozone, a clear sign of the dense concentration of magic in this room.

Main Protagonist and the Current Working TitleWhere stories live. Discover now