Faith Militant & Goodbye Ser Ashford

Start from the beginning

"Well, the Faith Militant was disarmed more than two centuries ago."

"If I explain the holy purpose to my son, the king, I have no doubt he will sign a decree arming the believers you felt worthy."

"An army that defends the bodies and souls of the common people."

"An army and service to the Gods themselves. And to you, of course. As the chosen representative of the Seven.

"An honour I nevr expected. Or indeed, ever wished for."

"Which is why you were chosen." He smiled at her words. "You and I both know how the world works. Too often the wicked are the wealthiest, beyond the reach of justice. The king himself cannot alwys punish those who deserve it most."

"All sinners are equal before the Gods."

Cersei smiled. "What would you say if I told you we have a great sinner in our very midst? Shielded by gold and privilege."

"May the Father judge them justly." He smiled, which Cersei returned.

Thus far, everything was going to plan. She had given him some liberty in punishing criminals and "sinners" and now he would help her bring down House Tyrell.

She had already sent Mace away from the Capital. Next was Loras. Then, Margaery would be all alone and much easier to deal with.

[Streets Of King's Landing]

A group of Faith Militant, wearing black robes and chains, walked down the street. Many nearby people chattered amongst themselves as they looked on, watching as the men began breaking open casks of wine. The people soon began screaming. One threw some men out of a building, wine from the broken casks flowing down some steps.

Elsewhere, in a room, a man in pain, sweating heavily and biting down on a piece of cloth. Someone begins carving something on his forehead, and his hand scratched and clawed at the table in front of him.

Outside, the Faith Militant began destroying a marketplace, smashing things for sale, flipping over tables, and attacking merchants. One merchant, laying on the ground, looked up at some gold cloaks on a castle wall.

"Help me! Help me!" He pleaded.

The gold cloaks turned around, ignoring him.

The man in the room continued to sweat and bite down on the cloth. His face trembled as the symbol continued to be carved.

[King's Landing - Brothel]

A prostitute was attending to a client when some Faith Militant walked in, interrupting them. She shrieked as one of them grabbed her by the hair and pulled her off of the man. Another entered the room, grinning and struck the man with a stick. The prostitute was forced out of the room.

Some more men interrupted an orgy. Two women started screaming as they began beating some of the participants, and taking others out of the room. Olyvar attempted to confront a member of the Faith Militant as the man dragged out a prostitute.

"This is Lord Petyr Baelish's establishment." He told the man, his voice full of anger.

The man elbowed Olyvar in the face and continued on his way.

After most of the Faith Militant were gone, Olyvar heard a scream. He walked towards the source of the scream, blood running from his nose, and heard another scream.

"Cocksucker!" One of the Faith Militant yelled as the man he was attacking screamed. "Boy fucker! You barbaric filth! There's a special place in the Seventh Hell for your kind."

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