Hearts Be Sold

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"You're messing up my organised piles," she leaned forward to slap his leg lightly,

Connall chuckled lowly at the back of his throat, rolling onto his back, and onto the pile she had already been through- mixing the papers up. Brielle dropped the page from her hand, scowling at the male,

"Don't think she caught on." he rolled over them again and finally sat up. Brielle had already scrunched up a random half blank page and chucked it at his face when he rightened himself up.

"Hey!" he tried to swat it away when it smacked him,

"You are going to help sort through all of these" she hissed, already moving to re-right the pages in their piles.

Connall chuckled once more, before he began helping. Watching her as they cleaned up together.


Brielle had arisen before sunrise, moving through the dark to the camp surrounding the city. She didn't expect any of the group to be there by the time she arrived at the fighting pit in the centre of the camp.

But she would admit to that shock when the whole group stood around watching each other warm up at her arrival. They all stopped, some panting for breathe, Regrouping they watched her approach in silence. Perhaps curious to why the Commander of Maeve's spy court had overtaken their training. They all looked cold to hell in their training clothes, despite their bodies steaming from their own warm up.

Brielle scanned each of them, trying to commit the details of their faces to memory. She paused on the female who's face was already engraved into her memories. There was the urge to ask them of their names, but apart of her, perhaps the only sane part left, refused to go through the pain of knowing them should she come to fighting them. Having to kill them.

"Lets get started."

The group didn't move, Brielle walked forward. Clasping her hand together, Today she wasn't the Lioness, or a commander. She was a teacher, hoping to impart her wisdom to them, should they be smart enough to pay attention.

"I want to assess each of you." She stepped closer to the middle fighting ring, gesturing to the space before her "Who's up first?" she beckoned with an arm when none of them moved from their places. A horde of status, She huffed a deep sigh.

It might have become a reoccurring theme for their paths to cross one another; The female who's face Brielle had already fully committed to memory the moment she had managed to land a punch. Stepping forward from the group she already had a hardened expression stoning her features. The group parted and watched her walk away from them,

Everyone of them watched her intently, looks of longing following her as she drew closer to the fighting pit. If Brielle could gain her trust, she might just convince the others to follow.

Brielle eased back a few paces, opening the ring to the female. As she took that final step over the barrier, foot planting into the sand. Brielle moved. There was no point to play a waiting game between them, no time to let her prepare. The fates of those who hesitate in a fight was already decided for them, Death is simple it doesn't discriminate.

The female looked stunned reeling back on her weight with widening eyes as Brielle threw the first punch. The blow hit dead on its mark, the warriors in the group surrounding them inhaled sharply at the sound that rippled within their friends shoulder.

It sagged low out the socket, Brielle swung again, attentively watching how the limb stiffened in the females attempt to ease the next blow. She hissed though tightly clenched teeth, twisting to guard her face with her working arm. She was quick to drive that elbow back. Brielle had preempted this, she swung back on her heels, narrowly avoiding the strike that would have send her temple throbbing.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕆𝕗 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕤 ¦ 𝔽𝕖𝕟𝕣𝕪𝕤 𝕄𝕠𝕠𝕟𝕓𝕖𝕒𝕞Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora