Chapter 2

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Walking into the dining hall a sudden nervousness hit her, something felt off about the gathering this year. despite it being an annual tradition. Something was up.

Minerva McGonagall the headteacher held the student meeting at the beginning of every school year. It was where the younger students got sorted into their houses - a way that Hogwarts boarding school arreneged its students.

When Hermione first started her studies she really didn't understand the importance of the houses.
Honestly she believed it was just a ploy to get the younger students to behave and do well academically - because of the point system that was in place where each individual students behaviour and achievements effected their house.
She was sure that the older students wont give it too much importance and view it as a childish way to control their behaviour.
she was wrong.
It seemed that if anything as the students got older the importance of which house you belong to only hightened and each house had its own personality and attitiude that all its members shared.

Hermione often wondered, as a person who joined hogwards relatively at a later age, whether the students were skillfully sorted or simply developed around the expected personality their house expected.
Either way she was a proud griffindor and felt her being one defined many aspects of herself so accurately that she pretty quickly understood the importance of the houses and wore her griffindor colours with pride.

she couldn't put her finger on what was strange this year, for older students such as herself the annual meeting was mostly just an apportunity to see everyone who came back and check out the new students, to yawn and wait for the speeches to be over so they could start reconnecting with the friends they haven't seen during summer break.

As always the old headteacher drowned on. Her voice making several students eyelids drop and fight to stay awake as to not get scolded on their very first day back.

Hermione took to watching all her old classmates that accommodated the large room, all seemingly in different states of Bordom.
Her eyes skimmed over the many tables which were arranged by the four different houses: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw.
smiling and waving in small gestures to her handful of friends from different houses she couldn't help but notice how different everyone suddenly seemed. More grown up.

The guys more like men and the girls more like women. She squirmed in her seat pulling the jumper away from her stomach where it suddenly felt too tight.

Eventually her eyes reached the final table - Slytherin. She didn't really have any friends from that house.
There was an old rivalry between her house and the green house, she really didn't remember why it started but it didn't really matter. The Slytherins she knew were more then enough reason for the rivalry to be justified.

Hermione hated generalisations but every Slytherin she came in contact with fit the mold; arrogant, rich, snobby, know it all, bratty, the list went on and on...
And those were just the ones she had a chance to come in contact with.
Most Slytherins didn't believe in making any kind of contact with the other houses. So the ones she based her opinions on were considered the mild ones.
It seemed that while the slytherins were all snooty snobs to everyone who weren't well... them, they had a special kind of contempt towards her.

They looked down at her in a completely in your face kind of way more than the other students, they didn't appreciate the fact that she didn't come from money, that she way on scholarship, that she was... heavier.
They seemed to be in agreement that she was sullying Hogwarts' reputation just by existing.
Therefore, most of them opted to ignore her.
All but a small group took to bullying her pretty harshly.
she tried to ignore and avoide the slytherins on all costs.

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