Chapter 3: NOTE BOOKS!

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The next day wasn't any better, when you entered the school baldi was there..
"Hello, and welcome to my school house!"
He almost shouted. The most you could do was sigh as you continued walking, going past the thin man. It's obvious he didn't like it but you couldn't let yourself speak kindly to a man who hits innocent children he's supposed to teach and take care of!

After walking past the man you could feel a stare burning threw you, not quite upset but not exactly happy either. in the classroom Tom wasn't even in there! As you sat in your seat, impatiently waiting, hoping Tom (the boy from the other day) would show up. Even if he was just late you wouldn't be mad at that, as long as you got to have someone to support you threw the awful day. yet... he didn't show up. Almost imminently after the bell rang you noticed how you where the only student there... alone... which meant you would have to get problems right or else- well...

Baldi stood at the front of the class... a large grin plastered on his face... ruler in hand... staring right at you.

"(Y/n)," the man spoke in a smooth tone, "looks like its just us here today."

It's almost like he was trying to rub it in your face, that you two where alone and there was nothing you could do about it.

As the class went on it only felt longer, and longer, and never ending. Baldi did more speaking then calling on a student, you, to answer a math question. He was actually teaching you! Why couldn't he do that any other day instead of do what he normally did, make kids answer questions they've never seen before until one of them get it right, that would've made this class much better then it already was.

At some point he stopped teaching and brought you a notebook.. a blue one... and he just stood behind you... staring. You didn't reject even if the feeling of his breath on the back of you neck was no where close to comfortable.. you ignored it and opened your new notebook...

HI! Omg thank you for reading this and I'm so sorry that I haven't posted in a while on here- I'd totally get it if you don't show up but I'd hope you're still here 😭 schools been hard but I'm trying to catch up with this account I swear!

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