7 - Destiny Smiles upon the 'Lantern Boy'

Start from the beginning

Not allowing her a moment's respite, Gemini swiftly rose from his chair and headed for the exit. Hana couldn't help but inquire anxiously, "P', where are you going now?"

"I need to use the restroom. I need a moment to collect myself," Gemini replied, his understanding of Hana evident in the raised hand he used to signal her to halt. "I need some time alone, please just stay here," he added, conveying his need for solitude before disappearing down the hallway.

Hana had never felt more exasperated with her job than she did at that moment. Being the personal assistant to a superstar was often glorified, but only those who had firsthand experience understood the true extent of the challenges she faced with Gemini Norawit on a daily basis.

Taking her seat, Hana reached for the latest Gemini chibi doll that had been released recently. It had become her go-to stress-relief ritual. As she twisted the doll's leg, an eerie satisfaction escaped her lips in the form of a twisted laugh. The staffs couldn't help but exchange concerned glances, watching her unusual method of stress relief unfold before their eyes.

Gemini wasted no time in reaching the restroom, and after taking care of his immediate needs, he found himself standing in front of the large mirror. Gazing at his own handsome reflection, he took a deep breath, attempting to regain his composure.

"Gemini, you need to relax. Your Lantern Boy won't be angry with you. There's no need to worry," he reassured himself, his voice echoing in the restroom. He repeated these comforting words to himself for a while, gradually feeling his anxiety subside.

Just as he was about to leave, a sudden commotion from outside the restroom caught his attention, causing him to halt in his tracks. His curiosity piqued, he stood still, listening intently to the unfolding events beyond the restroom door.

"Listen to my words. Reject your role in the series before it's too late." The threatening voice sounded eerily familiar to Gemini, though he couldn't quite place it. As he wracked his brain to recall where he had heard that voice before, another voice chimed in, sending shockwaves through him, causing his heart to skip a beat. This second voice was all too familiar; it was the voice of his 'Lantern Boy'.

Gemini succumbed to temptation and discreetly peered outside the restroom. There, he spotted his 'Lantern Boy,' dressed in a tastefully simple white shirt paired with black pants – a coincidental match to Gemini's own outfit. Despite its simplicity, the attire accentuated Fourth's innate handsomeness. 

From his concealed vantage point, Gemini could only catch a fleeting glimpse of Fourth's back, yet the sight of his tall, inviting figure was nothing short of overwhelming. To Gemini, Fourth epitomized both charm and endearing allure, a sight that never failed to captivate his heart.

"Arthid, don't stand in my way," Fourth's voice remained calm and gentle despite the underlying tension. "And let's put an end to these absurd demands. Why should I even consider listening to you? There's absolutely no way I'll surrender my role in the series."

"You should be aware of your place. A nobody like you thinks they can challenge Euphoria Studios?" Arthid wore a sly and mocking smile, his attitude teetering on the edge of rudeness.

Fourth let out a soft sigh, a subtle hint of disappointment in his gaze as he looked away from Arthid. "You can't intimidate me, Arthid. It's hard to believe I was friends with someone like you."

On this special day, the 'Lantern Boy' chose not to get entangled in a confrontation. Instead, he opted to navigate around Arthid. Yet, the persistent individual couldn't seem to know when to stop. He closed in and grabbed hold of Fourth's shoulder, the tight grip suggesting an attempt at control. "You won't be allowed to leave until you comply with me."

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