He then turns to you and gestures to his own left eye, "Your eye..." He starts and you can't help but urge him on, "What about it?"

"What happened?"

"I got burned. My twin was about to get boiling water poured on him so I jumped in." The blonde visibly flinches as he tries to imagine just how painful it must be to get a side of your face burned, and you can see the sympathy in his eyes.

"Oh... Are you better now?" He asks, almost on reflex and you nod, "Yeah... I'm still healing." This time, you turn to question him again, "The lady that was with you just now... Is that your mother?" You didn't even have any intentions of being nosy or suspicious, but Keigo immediately becomes guarded, his eyes sharpening immediately, "So what if she is?"

"I'm just curious... jeez." Why is he getting so defensive? You would have understood if he reacted this way to an adult asking this question but you're literally 5. Why is he scared of you?

"She... She is." Nodding in understanding, you are about to look away when he asks you instead, "What about you? Where's your parents?"

"My dad... He's at work, I think. And my mom.... Well, I don't know where she is right now. She could be at home, but I don't think that's the case..." He raises his bushy eyebrow at your weird wording before he decides to ask, "What do you mean?" Shrugging your shoulders, you're as nonchalant as ever with this.

"I doubt my dad would have let stay at home... he was already pretty angry, so this is definitely the final nail in the coffin." Now Keigo looks concerned, "Why wouldn't he? Did she do something wrong?" An almost humoured smile makes way to your lips as you subconsciously raise your hand to your bandaged side, "Yeah... She's the one who poured boiling water on me. It was meant to be for my twin, but like I said... I couldn't help but jump in. But I don't really hold her accountable for anything, though."

Keigo looks visibly and rightfully so, horrified.

You can't help but chuckle at his expressions, "You've got a funny look on your face." He doesn't seem very humoured right now so you drop it and just smile softly.

Deeming this as unnecessarily awkward, you turn your head back forward as you now try to think of anything else to talk about.

Then your eyes land on the large red wings on his back and a small smile forms on your lips, "Your wings are really pretty." As if the boy is completely taken back, he looks at you in complete and utter shock, "What..?" He softly mutters and you try to smile at him again, this time in a bit of a comforting manner.

"It's your quirk, right? Those big red wings... They're really pretty and cool. They remind me of a hawk..." He seems to get a bit bashful with all your praise because he immediately turns his head over and tries to hide his face, "Thanks..." Was all he mustered up in response. But it's not like you minded it.

After a small while, the boy calms down and turns to you instead, "Well... what's your quirk?" You smile at his question, "Don't have one. I'm quirkless." Again, he has that look of guilt.

"Sorry... I shouldn't have asked."

"It's fine... I'm just curious about your quirk. Can you control your feathers like birds? Or are they just... there?"

"I can... I can even carry you with one feather!" He boasts and you smile softly at his prideful look, "That's really cool, Keigo."

"Yeah... I even helped stop that bus from crashing–" He stops midway when he realised that his mother just told him not to tell anyone that it was his doing and now here he was, spilling everything out to you. But before he can retract his statement, he looks at you to find you with an awed expression.

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