Chapter 10

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The sun had risen the next morning. Chris and Nelson had gone to get food while the rest of us waited at the hospital. There the nurses came in every now and then to check up on Jaren, John, and Matt. Jaren was still asleep which made me anxious even though the nurses assured me he was just resting. Matt was asleep in one of the chairs in the recovery room with his head resting on his fist. John was pacing around.

"You're Lea, correct?" Asked a nurse that came back into the room.

"Yes?" I asked questionably.

"There's a couple of ladies here, asking for you. We won't let them back since they aren't friends or family of Jaren's." She explained. I looked at John with curiosity. We both followed the nurse to the lobby where I halted in my tracks when I recognized the two ladies. It took them a moment to spot me and when they did, Julie squealed and embraced me in a hug. I quickly pushed her away.

"What are you guys doing here? How did you find me?" I asked them coldly. I was very glad John was with me this time. I was very sick of them stalking me.

"Are you alright? You went to the hospital and didn't come out for a while! We were so worried!" Julie exclaimed.

"You watched me go into the hospital?" I asked with concern.

"Kinda creepy." John added. My moms seemed to finally notice that he was standing right next to me.

"Who's this?" Vex asked dryly.

"Fuck it. This is my roommate, John. He's also my best friend." I explained. I smirked when their faces filled with horror so I continued, "I have a lot of guy friends who are a way better family than you guys ever were so leave and stop following me before I put a restraining order on both of you. One of my friends is hurt so I don't have the time or energy for the both of you." John placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"Oh, sweetie. We didn't mean for it to go this far." Julie sighed.

My brows furrowed, "What to go this far?"

Vex sighed, "Your social life is getting out of hand. We wanted to show you how dangerous it was. It was a risk but glad it didn't happen to you."

I tried to fit the pieces together, "You were the ones posting about us? Where we were? What we were doing?" Matt came up next to John and John whispered something to him. Matt nodded and looked sympathetic at me before walking away.

"We wanted you to be safe." Julie nodded.

"Safe? You put me and my friends in danger! Our privacy is our safety! What else did you leak? My license plate? My address?" I snapped.

"No no. We'd never do that to you." I was about to retaliate but Matt came back with a security guard.

"Ladies. We are going to have to ask you to leave. We can only allow friends and family of the patient." The security guard said. My moms looked at me for me to defend them but I turned and left without another word. John followed me down one of the hallways of the hospital.

"That was brave of you. Glad you're sticking up for yourself." He said softly.

I tried to keep from crying, "They did this to him. They hurt him." He rubbed my back gently.

"That is why Matt and I will be filing a report against them for endangerment and harassment if you're okay with that." He explained.

I looked up at him, "Absolutely. I'm getting a restraining order too."

"They won't ever bother you again. Especially in Canada." He smiled.

I smiled too, remembering that was the next plan. "There you guys are. Smii7y's up." Matt said coming up to us. We quickly followed Matt back to the recovery room where Jaren was in fact up. He was sitting on the edge of the hospital bed while a nurse checked the cut in his jaw. The nurse replaced the bandage and left. I quickly wrapped him in a hug.

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