I rushed down the stairs. Prisha saw me approaching her. She made an eye roll and was about to leave. I caught her hand in the mid, she looked back and protested to leave her. “Please talk to me ” I sounded so desperate.


(Prisha's POV)

He wanted to talk to me.
As much as I wanted to leave and let my ego win, I decided to stay back and listen to him.
“ Not here ” I started walking to the Direction of the park. He followed close behind. We both walked in silence and reached the park within seconds.
“ Go ahead ” I commanded him to talk.

“ why are you avoiding us? ” he questioned. I couldn't form words, is he seriously asking this question.
“ because you guys are ” I simply shrugged trying not to cry. When someone asks me why I am angry or sad or low, I do wanna share it with them but I don't wanna cry in front of them, it makes me feel very vulnerable. And I hate that feeling.

" What do you mean by we ” he questioned. “ you all ” I said.
He had an confused look on his face, I don't want to play this guessing game any more.
“ You, pragya, Riddhima, sudhir. You all are avoiding me. So I reciprocated those acts and now you are irritated. ” I came directly to the point.

An expression of shock was marked on his face. " Elaborate please " I scoffed at his nonsense but gave it all away.
“ what elaborate? One day I was on periods in school, Riddhima had pad. I told her, she told me to wait inside the washroom she'll rush and bring it. Idiot came back after 5-10 minutes. While walking on the corridor she was telling me how she and sudhir had a moment in store room of school. Now you tell me how agitated I would have been"
He nodded understanding.
“ plus Riddhima found a new group. No who said I was jealous? ” I finished ranting about my bestie.

Without any complaining Ishan listened to my blabbering about pragya. " She's an extreme introvert, but not with friends. Then why does she avoid me? Whenever I try to chat with her she leaves. ” pragya has been avoiding me a lot lately.

“ and YOU! ” now it was Ishan's turn. I wanted to tell him many things I had in my mind like leaving without congratulating me, hardly coming to school and when he does not talking to me.
Is that even a reason to be pissed off on him? I am sounding very desperate to talk to him over such childish stuff and all. But he's never there to listen to me. Is that even a reason why my stupid self was angry on him. Suddenly I went all blank.

" Yeah? Me? ” he raised his brows bringing me back to reality. What about him?
" Nothing " I lied and stood up to leave. It's better if I avoid this awkward situation. He pulled me back with his hand. “ sit ” that's all he said.
Somewhere inside me it shook me. The touch. The contact It made with our skin and how he pulled me back to sit. I could have protested but I quietly sat.

“ I'll scold Sudhir to take Riddhima away from you and even talk with her. With Pragya I'll talk when we go out to eat samosa. I'll try to get reasons out of their mouth. Dont worry much about em. ” he put his head on my shoulder and closed his eyes. why is he doing all these things? Why is he putting efforts on me? Why?

“ Hmm” that's all I said. I put my hand on his hair and stroked it a little. I saw he was smiling widely. Maybe Swati was right.
Maybe I do have a liking on him.
“ I still wanna know about me ” he said sitting straight now. Looking directly into my eyes.
Eye contacts with him leave a very bad impact on me, in a good way.

" Ugh.. Nothing” suddenly the bold Prisha went nervous.
" It's ok if you don't wanna share. ” he put his hands on mine resting on the bench. “ but If you are angry on me in any way. I am sorry ” he apologized with a cute face. Aww. It's hard to not forgive this boy here.
“ I was pissed off because you didn't stay back when I won. I am sorry, sudhir told me you had to catch train” At that moment I realized I was angry over him for nothing. I felt it was my fault and apologized.

“ Awwlee Awlee ” he pinched my cheek softly, “ don't say sorry. Instead I should be sorry.
Should have bugged you for giving us party, but didn't. ”

“ next time. Please please please show me answers in exams. I can't afford to give samosa to pragya all the time ” I laughed at his request. “ ok. " With that we stood up to go home.

We walked in silence. I felt like he wanted to tell me something, he was trying to speak but didn't utter a word. I didn't bother to ask him about it. Just as we reached our compound he said
“ I'll be shifting to Jharkhand Prish. ” he said softly.
For once, I felt bad. I don't know why but I didn't want him to leave. Again he has to go and chase his dream.

“ permanently? ” I questioned.
He nodded his head lightly, I took the stairs and he followed behind. “ school permitted me and didn't make it compulsion to have 75% attendance. I'll after two days. But don't worry I'll talk it out with our friends about your issue. ” I was touched by this. He cared for me in a way no one did. He's going away but still wants to resolve my childish matter. I protested that he should focus on planning to leave instead of me but the guy was adamant.

“ Come on. Beside that I'll have to meet them to bid a goodbye. I can talk it out. I know it will be awkward for you to go upto them and say it. Let me do it " He assured me. My heart was pumping faster then it usually does. I have never seen a guy with so much admiration.

“ I'll do my 10th grade there in some school our faculty will involve me and share room with two guys who are brothers and studying there. No caring about rant because Jharkhand sports association will pay it and handle my expenses. All I have to do is represent their state and play for them. I can't be more Happy prish!! I am selected for state level competition” it felt good that he was sharing his achievements with me. I gave a side hug to him and said “ Proud of you ” with this we both retired to our house.

I banged the door open of my room I share with my sister.
Swati was studying, as usual. She got scared of the sudden moment. I exclaimed. she gave me a what the heck look.


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