Tormund grabbed the staff, whirling it around and crashing it into the Lord of Bones' skull. The man fell, crying out as Tormund beat into him viciously, over and over, even after the Lord of Bones was long dead. His bone armor was severely cracked, some fragments stabbed into his skin. The wildlings were quiet until Tormund demanded, "Gather the elders, and let's talk."

No one questioned him. His daughters didn't look at all afraid, rushing back up to him and asking to be carried on his shoulders. With ease, he propped them up, carrying them into the far hut.

As Thyrsa walked past the Lord of Bones, she huffed, impressed, and gave him a kick in the shoulder for good measure.

They followed Tormund and waited in the wings of the hut until the elders had all filed in. Jon took his place by the fire, addressing them all, "My name's Jon Snow. I'm Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. We're not friends. We've never been friends. We won't become friends today. This isn't about friendship. This is about survival. This is about a seven-hundred foot wall between you and what's out there."

"You built that wall to keep us out," said one of the elders.

"Since when do the crows give two shits if we live?" asked another.

"In normal times, we wouldn't, but these aren't normal times. The White Walkers don't care if a man's free folk or crow. We're all the same to them, meat for their army. But together, we can beat them."

"Beat the White Walkers?" asked a woman. "Good luck with that. Run from them, maybe."

Jon beckoned Thyrsa to hand him her knife, and removed his leather bag, offering it to the woman. "It's not a trick." As she opened it and looked inside, he said, "It's a gift, for those who join us. Dragonglass. A man of the Night's Watch used one of these daggers to kill a Walker."

"You saw this?" asked one.

"No. But I trust the man."

The woman examined Thyrsa's knife, "There are old stories about dragonglass."

"There are old stories about ice spiders big as hounds," said a Thenn.

"And with the things we've seen, you don't believe them?" she challenged.

Jon's voice rose, "Come with me, and I'll share these weapons."

"Come with you where?" she asked.

"There are good lands south of the Wall. The Night's Watch will let you through the tunnel and allow your people to farm those lands."

They began to murmur amongst themselves, considering the proposition. Jon could tell they needed more convincing, "I knew Mance Rayder. He never wanted a war with the Night's Watch. He wanted a new life for his people, for you. We're prepared to give you that new life."

"If?" asked the woman.

"If you swear you'll join us when the real war begins."

"Where is Mance?" asked the Thenn.

Jon looked down solemnly. "He died."


Jon pursed his lips, "I put an arrow through his heart."

They began to shout angrily, advancing on Jon. "Get away from him!" snapped Thyrsa, unsheathing her sword. "You, first of all–" she looked at Jon, "learn to elaborate. And the rest of you should know that the man who thinks himself king– the same Stannis Baratheon that destroyed your army– wanted to burn Mance at the stake for refusing to offer you up as pawns for his battles. Stannis thought he was sending you all a message and do you know what Jon did when he saw the flames creeping up on Mance? He put him out of his misery. He gave him a clean death fitting a warrior, not a coward. Didn't matter what anyone thought– let me tell you, Stannis wasn't happy about it. But no matter how much of a king that cunt thinks himself to be, Jon chose the right path. He is the one who advocated for all of you to be given a place south of the Wall. He is the one honoring Mance by making sure you are saved. He's the one here asking to make peace."

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