Gilded Arrows

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Kurkio Saionji was a simple kid. He did what he was told most of the time and got the highest grades without really trying or putting in much effort. Not much went on in his life besides going to school and then coming home exhausted. Sure, there was a smidge of bullying, but the perpetrators couldn't really think of anything clever besides screaming or calling him a lousy nickname. Nothing really bothered him, but nothing happened in his life to be bothered by either.

As the new year started, students from all over town woke up to their alarms. Some had a luxurious breakfast with an iron pressed uniform. Some got ready and put their clothes on if they could find them among the piles of unfolded laundry on their floor. There were even some who left their houses without eating any breakfast or saying goodbye to their parents.

I put my uniform on, adding a few accessories to personally feel cuter. My bookbag was completely organized and had more than required to start off the year.

"Kurkio?" Mom peeked into the room. "Oh, good. I'll be in the office." She left to go wait.

A few more adjustments, and then I left to the hallway. Hanako was there, waiting for his older brother to finish up so the two of us could walk to the office together. After taking the "first day of school" photo, we were dropped off to where we would spend a few more years being taught about what our country thought we should learn.

Stepping out of the car, I noticed a really smooth rock. Personally, I had a fascination for rocks, particularly either perfectly smooth ones or crystals. This rock specifically fits perfectly into my hand; it would make for good throwing. I picked it up and put it into my bag for safe keeping. Without waiting up on me, Hanako went off on his own to catch up with his friends. This left me to my own devices. I decided to get on my device and wait in the classroom until the bell rang.

Students of all kinds came in, although being in the 3-A classroom means that there's not much variety. There's a few who pay to have good grades, and the school allows them into the better classes because of it. Some have smarter friends and thus use them to pretend to be smart and successful. Most were some that tried really hard to get perfect grades on their own, and the hard work pays off. Then there's people like me, who don't have to try as they just fill the paper out the best they could; it just so happens that my best is the best.

The teacher stood up at the front of the room with a student. "Class, please be seated." She waited for everyone to do so. "Now then, everyone, we have a new transfer student. Please introduce yourself, Miss."

This girl's uniform looked spotless, not a single wrinkle. Either she has enough time to do that herself, or she's rich enough to get someone to do it for her. "Hi! My name is Akai Namaki. It's nice to meet you all."


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2023 ⏰

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