💢 Pt. 2 The ass beater🐜

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(pt.2 of finding out)

Bugbo POV:

I woke up in Gradient Joe's smelly moldy basement, I don't think he cleans down here.

"Oh my" I said to myself as my first reaction.

I looked around even though my eyesight wasn't the best, it looked like I was tied up with ropes

I could literally hear water dripping from how damp it was down here.

"Joe really doesn't keep his entire home clean I guess."

I wiggled around to try and escape the ropes Joe had tied me in, but to no avail I was stuck.

then I heard someone coming down the stairs thanks to my antennae, they were really the only thing I could use to see or hear in the darkness of the basement

Joe approached me slowly.

he started writing on his piece of paper to communicate with me, but it was hard to read cause of how little light there was

"Joe I'm afraid I cannot read what you're writing because of the lighting"
I said casually acting like I wasn't tied up in his basement.

he seemed to realize this as he walked away to turn on a light

I heard another noise, it sounded like drilling and hammering
"what is that?" I asked out loud basically to myself since Joe can't talk and he's across the room so he probably didn't hear me anyways.

just then and there I heard a crash upstairs, it sounded like someone threw a rock at the window but I ignored it for now

before I knew it the part of the ceiling in the basement collapsed in a gush of debris and dust, and before I knew it I was sitting there infront of my forgetful foe.

Thomas POV:

I knew Gradient Joe had taken my arch nemesis Bugbo to his house, I decided I would break in to beat him up for some reason.

when I arrived at Joe's house I noticed it was strangely quiet..i tried to open the door to the house and it was open
"does he just keep his door unlocked?"
this didn't settle with me as I wanted chaos so I walked away from the open door to the side of the house and threw a rock at the window for literally no reason at all.

as the window broke I grinned to myself before climbing through the broken glass not getting glass in my hands cause they are legit flyswatters.

I walked closer to the basement but stopped halfway, I pulled out my personal drilling tool they use in those construction sites out of my back pocket and started drilling into the floor very unquietly with poor stealth skills

finally after I made a perfect circle the flooring under my drill collapsed and I landed on my feet directly infront of Bugbo, my drill somehow disappeared out of thin air.

I laughed menacingly

I saw his antenna things perk up with he looked at me I guess he has bad eye sight what a loser!!!

"who are you again?"
I heard him ask

my blood started boiling with anger as my face started heating up in embarrassment

"what do you mean?! its me! your arch nemesis!!!"
"Thomas! Fly! Swatter!!!"
I shouted at the weird bug infront of me.

"oh" he said back, I scoffed in annoyance.

"now I must beat the shit out of you for the plot of this chapter- I mean so I can get revenge on you for existing!!"
I said evilly

he sat there staring into my soul before looking around

I walked closer to him and stared at him

I hit him harshly on the head
then across the face
"you got any lunch money punk?"
then I just kinda knocked him over and beat him alive until I was satisfied with my purpose in this story

I backed away when I was done beating up Bugbo

"bye bye Bugboob, until we meet again!"
I said while ascending back up the perfectly cut hole I made in the ceiling.

Gradient Joe POV:

After I turned the lights on I just kinda fell asleep for a while, I only woke up when I heard someone saying "bye bye Bugboob, until we meet again!" or something.

I looked over when I fully woke up and saw Bugbo bruised like a banana peel

I quickly got up and ran over to him
grabbing my iconic notebook and red crayon I started writing on it

"what happened?" I wrote on the paper, asking Bugbo what happened

"some forgetful foe broke in and beat me up for my lunch money" Bugbo said kinda sounding like that T-rex from the amazing world of gumball

I started writing again
"that Thomas guy?"

"I don't know, I forgot who he was"
Bugbo replied

I momentarily forgot about how bruised Bugbo was as I facepalmed, quickly remembering though and my Gradient thing turned red with anger.

I started breathing weirdly loud filled with seething rage

I put away my notebook and made sure Bugbo was secured in the ropes so he couldn't escape

I quickly stormed out of my basement and towards Mt. Bobo, where Thomas's evil base was last located hoping he would be there.

I angrily gripped onto the steep rocks with adrenaline so I didn't fall

as I climbed up Mt. Bobo I thought about how I would beat up Thomas for beating Bugbo up like a middle schooler.

I finally finished climbing Mt. Bobo and started run towards the broken lair.

I was glad to see Thomas actually being there, my Gradient still burning red with rage

I rapidly approached Thomas, he turned around just in time to see me about to lunge at him so he jumped out of the way

I got even angrier as I howled up towards the sky

I pounced on him and started slapping his flyswatter face

"get off me weirdo?!?!"
Thomas said as I slapped his face

"no! how dare you beat up my pook for his lunch money!!"
I growled

"Bugbo? you mean your CAPTIVE?"



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