🐜💔 Pt. 1- Finding out.

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Bugbo POV:

I was walking around a place that looked like a skating park, there was graffiti everywhere it looked horrid.

it's been a few months since me and Dave Miller started dating, he was so dreamy..his purple skin and the way he talked was mesmerizing.

I walked until I found him, it was Dave and Gradient Joe! Joe was one of my best friends, he's the smartest guy I know, but.... I saw him and Dave....kissing?

I stood there shocked for a while, trying to contain my tears that threatened to spill from my emerald green orbs.

"DAVE?! ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME WITH GRADIENT JOE" I yelled out, pain filling my every word..

"BUGBO! IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!!" Dave called to as he he quickly turned around wide eyed.
"ANSWER ME ARE YOU CHEATING WITH JOE!!!??" I screamed loudly, my voice booming across the park.

"yes.....y-yes i am...." Dave said studdering over his words.

"oh my god...." I said while shedding a few tears
"I'm breaking up with you, Dave!" I said angrily while tears violently streamed down my face.
I started to cry hard, Dave ran over to try and comfort me but it only made me cry harder.

"please take me back Bugbo I'm sorry I'll never do it again!" Dave pleaded desperately for me to forgive him.

"no, David millherd I can't... I'm sorry." I say trying to calm myself down

"please...i love you!" I heard Dave say, but I wasn't listening to him.
"it's...forbidden Dave." I cried.

"F-forbidden...?" I hear Dave say confused.
"yes, it is..." I say back almost breaking down again.

"please, you're so cute..you cant leave me!!"
Dave says trying to change my mind
"please take me back, Bugbo...."

I start sobbing again, I whip away my tears as Dave grabs my hand and holds it tightly.

"d-do you mean it..? you really love me Dave...?" I asked him hopefully.
"yes I do suger plum...." he responded, he knew I loved it when he called me those silly names.

"o-okay alpha eggplant wolf >.< I'll take you back" I said smiling even wider then I was while crying.
"good kitten..." I heard Dave say, he's so cute

I heard him howl with dominance while jumping for joy.
my heart flutters when he howls like that.

"hehehehehe" I heard him laugh, causing me to laugh as well

suddenly Dave's ears perked up.
he turned around to me quickly

"I hear something, Kitten.." he told me, I gasped loudly

"what is it Dave?!" I said kinda scared.

he sniffs the air.
he paused and turns around slowly.

"it can't be...." he said sounding slightly scared

"its...Gradient Joe....hes also an alpha....." Dave said as a follow up

my heart sank, Joe was watching us while seething with anger.

"stay behind me kitten, I'll protect you" Dave said fiercely while never taking his eyes off Gradient Joe.

Dave growled at Joe.
Joe growled back defensively.

suddenly the moon was slowly coming out, Dave noticed this and warned me
"oh no... the moon...its coming out..."

I started twerking with fear, as Dave slowly transformed into his alpha form.
"it's happening kitten!!" Dave yelled.

"dont do it alpha!" I tried to tell him but it was too late.
I can't resist it..." Dave said as he turned full alpha

Dave started barking with rabies.

I was so scared now.

"Gradient Joe...my arch nemesis." Dave spoke after a long pause.

Dave started hitting a dominant jig, it was so hot.

"not so dominate now huh?" Dave laughed.
"Back off from me and my kitten...Joe, or you'll see my darkside." Dave said sternly

"this is so scary >.<" I said scared shitless.

Gradient Joe huffed
Gradient Joe also starts to hit a jig, trying to be more dominant then Dave.

Dave starts hitting an even better jig, full of power and dominance.
Dave laughed in dominance.

"I am so dominant....you can't compair Joe." Dave said to Joe with confidence.

"Grrrrrrr..." Joe growled back, he started to slowly turn into his alpha form, loudly growling and snarling at Dave who was bewildered.

Joe charged at Dave, planning to attack him but Dave quickly blocked him and sent him flying back into a wall.

Joe quickly recovered and growled loudly charging again and knocking Dave over with a thud.

I started shaking violently with fear, my emerald green orbs darting between Joe and Dave

Joe looked at me and charged, instantly knocking me over and knocking me out cold.
Dave POV:

I gasped dramatically as Gradient Joe knocked me down and charged at Bugbo, knocking him out instantly.

I tried to reach out for Bugbo but Joe picked him up and howled.

I watched helplessly as Joe ran away with Bugbo, I felt tears welling up in my blocky black and white eyes, I heard someone walking towards me, it was Jack Kennedy and Gerbo, mine and Bugbo's best friends.

they saw me hurt in the ground and ran over, asking me if I was okay or hurt.

"oh my god! are you okay?" Gerbo asked me slowly.

"I'm fine, Gerbo" I said back to not let him worry.

"What happened to you?" Jack asked me
"why are you sitting on the ground?"

"....Joe knocked me over....he took Bugbo and ran away"

Gerbo looked really surprised.

"Jack what are we gonna do?" Gerbo asked Jack scaredly.

"I don't know Gerbo, we need to think of a plan.."

Time skip.

Gerbo POV:

We helped Dave up and took him back to the random big house we all for some reason live in together.

We helped him to the couch and sat him down and brought him some food while we were planning on how to stop Joe and get Bugbo back safely.

we started sketching ideas on a piece of paper we conveniently had nearby.

Jack was the one who was mainly sharing ideas on how to stop Gradient Joe and rescue Bugbo.

after we finished the plans that I didn't pay mych attention to cuz I zoned out while playing with rocks I found outside, we went to bed in each of our seperate rooms.

when I got to my room I closed the door and slowly walked over to my bed, I crawled into my unmade bed and pulled my Frozen themed blankets over myself as I slowly drifted off to sleep.


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