🎀Adopted Gyutaro and Ume🩸

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🎀🩸- They were both Ally cats.

🩸- Gyutaro would fight for survival

🎀- And Ume would just....Well...idk

🎀- One day Ume saw you and immediately followed you. I mean you were obviously very beautiful so why not

🩸- Gyutaro freaked seeing Ume missing and went to find her and found her cuddling up to you as you sat on the side walk looking at the little white and green kitten

🩸- Gyutaro then attacked you and bite your hand. You retracted your hand and saw him pick Ume up by her scruf and walked away

🎀- But Ume was like "Eh- Bitch look at this human! She's beautiful and we are going with her!"

🩸- And then he said "No Ume! This human looks like weird person who experiments on cats like us!"

🎀🩸- Because of they arguing they didn't even notice you picking the both of them up and walking back home

🎀🩸- They only noticed when you placed them down on the floor of your living space

🎀🩸- Gyutaro just stared at you like "Bitch where TF are we?" Meanwhile Ume saw Nakime and immediately went over to her and began to talk to her in cat language

🩸- Gyutaro didn't trust you one bit. But that changed when you layed out all the kitties food and he practically gobbled his food down

🩸- You were very concerned for Gyutaro's health and took him to a vet since he was very skinny like way too skinny. The vet just said to just take care of him and he should go back to normal

🎀- Ume likes almost all the clothes in your closet and in the morning you will find a very cute and beautiful outfit combination landed out for you from your girl Ume

🎀🩸- When Douma saw them he immediately ran over and began to lick and rub against the two little kitten

🎀🩸- They love you very much but Gyutaro still needs some time to trust you

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