Chapter 9

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"I'm running out of arrows."

Ha ri said worriedly. Min jae nodded in agreement.

"Let's go to the gym."

They quickly and quietly went to the gym.

Ha ri grabbed a few arrows and passed some to Min jae.

Then she sat down, thinking of her little brother.

Wu jin I hope your okay.

Mi jin broke her train of thoughts.

"Let's go, Ha ri."

They went off. However, a horde of zombies rushed toward them.

Ha ri and Min jae quickly aimed and shot arrows while Mi jin tried stabbing them with her mop.

A zombie pounced on Jun seong.


Mi jin ran toward him and stabbed the zombie, accidentally stabbing Jun seong in the process.


Jun seong shouted.

Mi jin pulled it out and tried to support him on her shoulder.

"Fuck your heavy!!"

Ha ri and Min jae rushed to try to help them and ran toward the medical room.

However, a few more zombies came.

"I can't make it... Go without me, Mi jin!"

Jun seong was getting bitten by the zombies quickly.

"No please!"

Ha ri dragged Mi jin away quickly as Jun seong continued getting bitten.


Mi jin cried out.

Ha ri motioned to them.

They were now in the medical room.


Mi jin muttered. She grabbed a first aid kit and carried it.

"Let's go."

Ha ri told her friends. Mi jin looked toward Ha ri admiringly.

"Fuck, that bitch is so my type."

They quickly ran out. A few zombies charged toward them. Ha ri shot a few quickly.

Min jae led the way to a small dumpster and jumped down. He shouted.

"Hurry up!"

Mi jin looked worriedly.


Ha ri pushed her down.

However, they didn't notice a drone flying right where they were.


Time skip back to the future


Hyo ryung fell to the floor. The zombie horde was after them.

"Ji min... Help me!"

Ji min looked at her friend.

I can't help you, Hyo ryung

Ji min ran away quickly. Hyo ryung cried out in sadness. Ji min had betrayed her.

A zombie was rushing toward Hyo ryung. She winced and braced for its jaws to sink into her skin.

Better Than Ever| all of us are dead |(Jang Wu Jin x OC) Where stories live. Discover now