At home

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In the car

You and your boyfriend Niall got to your car.

"Thanks for comming" Niall said as you both got into the car.
"Ni, dont think about it!! I was comming to the airport anyway. If it was early or not" you said.

"Yeah but im happy you came when you came. Im really tired after the flight, and when i then have to take pictures and sign stuff.... I just wish the fans could sometimes not be so loud. You know on the street and airports and stuff. And i know i always say i love our fans which i do. But sometimes it gets too much." Niall said and you could tell he was tired.

"I know Nialler, but you just say that now because your tired. We are nearly home. Then you can go to bed. I can unpack your things for you. I bet some of them need to get washed too." You said trying to be nice but actually you wanted to lay in bed cuddle with Niall. But you knew you had to unpack him.

"Awww, baby!! You dont need to unpack my stuff. We can do it tomorrow. 'Cause i want to cuddle with you.its so long since we did it last time" Niall said really sweet

"Ofcourse anything for you Ni. Now we're home" you said happy.

Inside your house

"We can lay your bags here on the floor." You said walking in your house with some of his bags. He came after you with the rest of the bags.

"Okay, sweetie" He answerd

"So are we going to bed now??" You asked Niall as he layed down on the couch.

"Nah what about laying and cuddle here first.?" Niall asked

"But Ni your gonna fall asleep and i cant bring you up in bed like you used to do with me" you said trying to be serious.

"You had a telly at your room right?" He asked like he had never been at your house before

"Yes i have! Dont you remember?" You said

"Yeah ofcourse. Its just that im traveling around on different hotels all the time. I dont remember those stuff all the time" he answer as he got up and pick you gently up from the floor

"So this is when we go up then?" You asked a little worried 'couse you didnt know if he could bring you up all the stairs when he is tired.

"Yep, but dont worry sweetie i got ya!!" Niall said like if he knew acactly what you was thinking.

When you got up Niall layd you down on your bed and layed down next to you.

"I love you so much (Y/N)!! And you know i would never cheat on you not even with that girl okay" Niall started but as soon as he saw the cofustion in your eyes he regret it.

"What did you just say?? And who are you talking about?? Did you sleep with another girl while on tour??" You said getting angry. How could he do that to you?

"Hmm no its not like that!! Im sorry (Y/N) i didnt mean to i was really drunk!" Niall tryed to explain.

You slaped him and run downstairs with him following you.

"(Y/N) wait, i can explain" niall tryed to talk with you.

"Forget it Niall!! You cheated on me" you screamed as you run out of your house. You didnt know where to run you just ran.

You dicided to go to the park where you always go.

"I cant belive he cheated one me" you said to youself as tears screamed down your face.

You walked around for an hour trying to calm down. When you finally calmed down you got to the place where you and Niall first met. New tears streamed down your face.

You dicided to go away fromt that place. And you dicided to walk to Louis' house 'couse he is hour best friend.

When you got to his place you knocked at the door. Tears still streaming down you face.

Fianlly Louis came and opened the door.

"Hi (Y/N) whats wrong??" He asked worried.
"Ni-ni-niall chea-cheated!!" You cryed out

"Whaat!!" Louis said with anger. "Come here" he said and pulled you in for a hug.

"Come in and tell me what happened" Louid said as he pulled you away from the hug, and opened the door so you could walk inside.


Next part comming soon!!

Hope you guys like it i work really hard on it!!

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