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Britt's POV:

I awoke next to santana laying on the floor sound asleep I got up quietly to make sure I didn't wake her up. I grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom to not wake up San. After, I changed I walked back into my room and Santana was awake and rubbing her eyes. "Good morning San." I smiled at her.

"good....morning Britt...." she yawned as she got up and rummaged through her bag she found her clothes.

"How'd you sleep Santana?" I asked her in a happy and excited tone

"Good..." she spoke back. I smiled at her 

"good i'm glad ima meet you downstair!" I smiled and walked out of the room. I started to walk downstairs when Lord Tubbington my cat started to meow at me. "Hey Tubbi" I smiled at the grey cat looking up at me and picked him up and walked downstairs. I poured some cat food out for Lord Tubbington and started to make toast for Santana and I. My parents had left for work before we woke up. I suddenly heard thuds coming down the stairs, Santana came up behind me and hugged me. "ACK!" I was so caught off guard I smacked Santana in the face. "Oh my god I am so so so sorry!!!"

"owwww" Santana groaned as she held her face. 

"I'm sorry San!!!" I felt so bad for it slowly started to tear up

"No! No don't cry!! It's okay!!" Santana grabbed my face and suddenly kissed me. I was so shocked but let it happen. When Santana broke the kiss we just stared at each other. "I uh I'm sorry that was stupid..." Santana spoke.

"N-no it wasn't stupid..." I said back to her. We ate breakfast and got to Glee club and I sat next to my friend Artie and it felt like I was being stared at and I looked behind me and it was just Santana staring at me. After class Santana walked up to Artie 

"Back off Mc Cripple!" Santana spoke

"Huh back off of what?!" Artie asked

"Off of what's mine!" She responded. I stared at Santana and just mouthed for her to stop and that she's causing issues.

"What's yours if I can ask?" Artie asked confused

"Brittany is mine back off." She spoke angrily

"Oh okay....congrats??" He spoke. I walked over grabbed San's arm and dragged her away.

"Santana what was that?!" I asked 

"Your mine..." She spoke as I became flustered as hell


403 words I gotta find something else to do with my life.


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