Chapter 36. Naruto Vs Sasuke And Konoha Crush

Start from the beginning

Sasuke managed to recover quickly, though had a splitting headache, landing on his feet and immediately ran through some hand signs and shouting "Fire style: Phoenix Flower jutsu." A volly of small flaming balls shoot from his mouth, racing torward Naruto. Naruto managed to dodge them and moves forward to press his attack.

Getting in close he re-engaged in Tai jutsu and was purposefully pushing him in a certain direction, finally getting him close, he kicked him in the chest sending him flying backwards, where he landed on a explosive note on the ground.

Getting hit by the explosive, he was blown back and he looked up and his eyes widened in horror.

Naruto came in with a right hook and Sasuke tries to block it, then at the last second, Naruto's backflips and sending his left leg flying, nailing Sasuke in the chin and sending him flying upwards.


"The Senju is doing quite well" said the Kazekage watching him beat Sasuke.

"Hmph, more like holding his own" said the Raikage already bored with the fight, be was hoping for something more exciting.

"Don't worry Raikage-dono, the match has only started to I'm sure things will only get more entertaining as it progresses".


Sasuke landed on the ground and forced his body up while glaring at Naruto with nothing but pure hatred, no matter what he did, Naruto beat him.

With his growing anger, the curse seal activated and black markings slowly began to cover his neck and face, feeling this new wave of power, made him more confident that now he'll be able to kill Naruto.

"I'm gonna end this now Naruto!" He said as he stuck his hand down and grasped his forearm "Chidori!".


"You taught him that jutsu?" Asked Gai looming at him.

"No, he copied it at the bridge when his Sharingan activated" said Kakashi with narrowed eyes.


Hearing the sound of thousands of birds chirping and seeing the famous assassination jutsu in action, Naruto took a deep breath and pulled out a weapon he's been practicing with for the month.

His father's tri ponged kunai, which drew out gasps across the entire stadium.

He of course couldn't use the Hirashin... yet, but that didn't mean, he hasn't learned how to throw and fight with his kunai.

In his other hand he held it out and in thr matter of 2 seconds, a ball of blue spiraling energy formed.

They both stared at each other, before charging at one another ready to land the finishing blow.

As the grew closer, he flung the kunai at Sasuke who effortlessly moved his head to dodge it and his grin grew more seeing that he will end the Senju line here.

"I win" said Sasuke.

Naruto drew closer and closer, until he knew that Sasuke wouldn't be able to dodge his next move.

Putting all his mental effort into it, he disappeared in a body flicker and appeared above Sasuke. With his free hand, he grabbed the tri ponged kunai, before he drove his Rasengan down.

"RASENGAN!" The attack landed home and grinded right into his back for a bit before, Naruto released the jutsu.

Sasuke was laying on the ground motionless and in a world of nothing but pure pain and unable to move a muscle.

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