I'm sorry for breaking your heart , it broke mine too

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After they went to isngard they got pippin and merry back , on the entire ride he did not look at Aurora not even for a one second she did not ride with him this time she flew like always .
They got back to Rohan it was afternoon and people were sitting things up for the celebration Aurora went to rest in the room , well it's awen's room she let her borrow it Aurora was lying on the bed with her eyes close just trying to relax.
Legolas P.O.V

We got back to the castle everyone busy with the work preparing for the celebration I did not see Aurora which was worrying me , I know I missed up and I do not know how to fix it, and i feel hurt by what I said I hurt her and it hurt me as well.

I went to Aragorn to ask him about Aurora,
"Aragorn , have you seen her"
"I think she went to one of the rooms" he told me
I was walking to the hallways until he called me again
"Legolas, do not mess things up , she is already not feeling well" he told me
I nodded and said "I won't"
I almost searched every room and I couldn't find her , I went to the last room I knocked on the door , no answer, I opened the door slowly and her she was , lying on the bed with her eyes are closed I stood by the door as I was about to leave she spoke

"What is that do you need ?"
"I thought you were asleep" I said unsure how to start this kind of conversation
"I'm just resting" she said as she sat up on the bed her knees to her chest resting her hand on them
"I was worried about you" I said stepping closer
"Why would you worry about a monster?" she said coldly, she isn't like this
"And I'm actually here to apologize for my misunderstanding"

"There's no misunderstanding, what you said was true , about me being from another world" she said looking at me face to face

"I think you missed something"
"No I did n-"
I interpreted her
" yes , you are not a monster, and I was wrong and I'm sorry"

I stood there not knowing what to do , she patted the bed next her offering me to sit next to her so I went and sat on the edge of the bed
"Will you forgive me?" I said
No answer
"Please" I added
"You do not have to plead , you are of course forgiven , cause if we turn on each other this whole fellowship will break and it is not a good time for it to break than it already is" she said
We sat in silence for a second

"May I ask you a question?'' I say
She just nodded her head
"Why did you lie ?" I say looking at the wall Infront of me
"I just didn't want to scare you all being from a modern world to here is not easy"
She explains

I just nodded and went to go outside again I was about to close the door but I turned to ask her this one thing
"Aurora , Would you join the celebration tonight?"
"Sure why not" she said smiling a little
"Alright, get some rest" I said and with that I closed the door and went to sit outside the castle for a little.
Aurora decided to join the celebration that night they were all in the great hall chatting happily everyone was laughing and having a good time .
Aurora was standing next to wall away from the noise listening to pippin and merry's singing,

"I was hoping you'd show up" legolas said as he joined Aurora standing next to her she gave him a small nod as she took a sip of her drink
"Any news from frodo?" She asks
"No one knows for certain" he answers as he leant against the wall
"Why are you standing here alone?" He asks
"Well I'm just enjoying the moment" she says as she rested her head on the wall.

He grabbed her hand
"come with me" he said as he started to walk
"where are we going?" she asks as she followed him,
Legolas lead her to a balcony where the stars were all over the sky she looked up at the sky in awe

"it's always this beautiful in this time of the year" he says keeping her voice quite as he placed a hand on her waist bringing her closer to him
They were standing gazing at the stars in silence it wasn't an awkward silence it was a comfortable one she rested her head on his arm
Legolas smiled a little to himself he always admired her

"Where will you go when this ends?" he asks quietly
"I do not know , but somewhere quiet but not away from the rest" she answered still keeping her gaze at the sky he hummed softly as the turned to each other face to face he placed his hand on her cheek stroking it softly as he leant his head down to be at the same level his face is close to her she can feel his breath on her face
Aurora feels her heart pounding in her chest, she just look up at him as he leant closer his lips almost touching hers just for a brief second she was about to give In ,
Until they heard a cough coming from behind them they broke the grasp turning their faces to the person and it was Gandalf

"I did not mean to intrude" Gandalf said smiling at them
Legolas and Aurora just smiled back at him
"the king will make a speech he wanted everyone there" Gandalf said as he gave a nod and started to leave but he paused in the middle and turned back so he can facing them again
"I already knew what's going on" he says with a small smile

"Oh no it's.." Aurora said coughing slightly looking at legolas
"We were just having a small talk" legolas said
Gandalf gave a small laugh
"no judgement here , you two deserve it" he said with a smile as he left the room
"Well I guess we should go" Aurora said with a small chuckle at the end
"I think we should after all it's the king" he says as he walked with Aurora still holding her hand
"And we don't want to upset the king" Aurora continued with a chuckle
"Oh no we don't want to do that"
legolas answered with a laugh as they we walked out of the room.
In that moment both of Aurora and legolas knew there's something more than just being friends in the fellowship and in that moment Aurora knew that she should tell him how she really feels.

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