Things go wonderfully right or horribly wrong

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Aurora POV:

After the war we decided to take a break before we go to isngard just to catch our breaths.
I was sitting by table drinking the drink that awen gave it to me and suddenly, the door of the castle burst open

"Why you did not tell us?"
Legolas said angrily storming inside the castle and came at the table where i was sitting at
"Tell you what?" i said confused as i was sipping from the drink i had in my hand
"This" he slammed papers on the table while everyone sat there watching.

"What is this I don't know what are you talking about?" I said as i looked over the papers
Legolas handed me a paper with a sketch in it , a women flying high with a crown on her head and magic in her hands and in this moment i knew this is not going to end well .

"Did you know?" legolas asked Gandalf "that's why you wanted her with us" he added
"Of course i knew , what in those papers is not true she is a good person" Gandalf answered him legolas totally ignored his answer and looked back at me
"Go on read it" legolas handed the paper to me
"What?" I said with tears in my eyes
"You heard me read it"
"Legolas th-" Aragon said but legolas interpreted him
"No Aragorn, she lied to us all this time" he told him
"She is from another world , she even lied about it , she said she was from Nevada , a world were she doesn't even know about" he said angrily looking at me

"I did not lie" i said
"Yes you did" legolas said with more force
"She is a myth called the scarlet witch, that's why she has this powers " he said pointing at me
"Why are you doing this?" I said tearfully

"We trusted you , I trusted you" he said more angry
"I- I know I lied but I was going to tell you all I swear " i said defending myself
"You know I'm not like this right? I don't use my power for this"

i said as tears streamed down my face i looked to them
"I - I know I lied but I did this for your own good I did this to help you I just didn't want to scare you that's all" I said explaining myself

"yes i may be the white  witch but I'm not a bad person" i confessed
"And even if some people think I'm evil" i say going up to him

"i would never hurt you" i said reaching for his hand but he quickly moved away
I turned to the rest more tears started to fall
"i would never hurt any of you"

"Legolas i think it is not a good time to discuss this , she helped us and she's a good person and our Friend" Aragorn said
Legolas looked at me , and this look was different so different not the lovely look any more

"legolas please" i said trying to reach out for his hands again but he packed away and left "i did not lie , i swear" i said

"No , what they said about you it's true" legolas said turning back at me
"It's your destiny to destroy the world , to corrupt everything that is alive and pure"
"What ? No you do not mean that" i said sadly walking up to him
"Oh no i mean it"
"You are a monster that's what you are" and with that he left the castle.
Everyone fell silent

I stood there in disbelief, I can't believe what had my ears heard
He called me a monster.
"I'm not a monster" i said to myself but Loud enough for others to hear "i - I'm not a monster" i said louder this time.

I got up and went to my room i sat on the bed that sketch it's still in my hands looking at it tears falling on the paper
And all i think about is that he would never trust me the same.

I heard knocking on the door i didn't have the urge to see who it is but when they took the paper from hands i knew it was Aragorn , he sat next to me

"Don't bother to think about it, he was just angry because he cares for you , he was just shook just like all of us but he reacted different,he did not mean to call you that" i heard him say softly

"He will never trust a monster like me and he made that clear" i say sniffling and wiping my tears from my face i look at him
He was concerned
"you are not a monster, you are our friend , things will work out , it's legolas he forgives quickly do not worry about him"
I took a deep breath
"fine , i think we should go now we have a long ride don't we Aragorn" i told him mocking the words he told me before in Rohan he smiled and said
"i think we do my lady"

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