10 years later

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I was sitting on the roof of my father's new lab. "Ten years since the fire and the mutation." I thought. Then my thoughts were interrupted by the vibration from my watch. I looked down and I realized that my father was calling me back into the lab. "Another project he's working on," I muttered to myself.
I entered the lab to find a teenage boy on one side of the machine and a weird dog-looking thing on the other side. I grabbed my weapon and I walked over. He looked up and smiled at me, then he turned back to his work.
"If you're the guy that keeps calling about the calamari, fine, it's pig butt! But the crab cakes are real."The teenager said. My father rolled his eyes. "I assure you, I have no interest in your petty cakes of crab." He said. After a few minutes, he walked up to the dog thing. "Ah! So nice of you to return my vial." He said as he pulled a collar holding a small container full of green liquid from its neck. He turned to the boy and said, "You are about to be part of an experiment that will change
the very nature of humanity." The boy looked at him terrified. "So... is this gonna hurt?" The boy asked. My father smiled. "It will if I'm doing it right." He said as he turned it on. I looked away when it happened and a few seconds later, the boy turned into some kind of fish.
My father opened the cage holding the teenage boy who was now a fish. The boy immediately took off running.
My father was grinning. "Finally, after all these years, I can continue my work!" He shouted. Then there was a loud crash and I turned around to see four mutant turtles wearing ninja masks standing there with a teenage girl.
Before I could say or do anything the red one spoke.
"All right, you incredibly unusually buff bookworm,
give us the little guy, and you'll walk out of here with your horns still attached." Then the purple one whispered something into his ear and the red one was about to say something when the teenage girl ran in. "Let's do this! April O'Neil!" She yelled. I stood there not moving, just watching the turtles. One of them noticed me, he whispered something into the turtle's ear next to him and pointed at me. My father noticed them gesturing towards me. "Cleopatra, go home now!" He shouted. I nodded and I took off towards the exit. Just before I reached it the lab exploded and I was shot out of the lab. I landed near the edge. The turtles and the female girl appeared a few feet away from me. I grabbed my weapon and I slung it over my shoulder. I started walking towards the cave that my father had changed into a small home for me. "Hey, don't you work for Draxum?" A voice said. I stopped and sighed. "I don't work for him. He is my father." I said not turning around. I wiped the tears out of my eyes, and I kept waking. "Don't look at them, Cleo," I whispered to myself. I felt a pair of hands grab my shoulders. I let out a squeak and I tucked myself into my shell. I waited for them to drop me on the ground. "Great, another crack in my shell," I said to myself. But to my surprise, they didn't drop me. One of them opened a portal and they stepped through along with me.

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