Chapter 16 - The Troublemakers are Back

Start from the beginning

"That's my girl!" James applauded with a huge smirk. 

"Your girl who is about to fucking black out. Just kidding." She wiped her mouth with a giggle and the night continued.

They all got extremely hammered that night and it was such a blast to hang out with the boys again. (Y/N) didn't black out, but somewhere toward the end of the night she did tell the boys that she wanted to go home and Jason offered to go with her and they did. Jason was a fun guy. He was cool and respectful and nice.

Kirk and Lars stretched out in their chairs. "Don't you dare wake me up until 3PM tomorrow." Lars mumbled. "If you want me to play good tomorrow night."

"Yeah." James muttered. "You better, regardless."

"Oh, come on, man. I was joking. You know there's nothing wrong with my drumming."

"Are you kidding me? You couldn't keep the beat for the last two songs tonight."

A bickering broke out between the two and Kirk tried to stop it but it ended with James getting up and going home as well. 

"I'm so sick of James, man." Lars said drunkenly.

"Just right now, for the moment, yeah. It's hard to tour and stuff. It'll work out." Kirk tried to comfort. 

"It's like, no wonder he could only get Alycen to stay for a little while."

"I don't think she-"

"When I was talking to (Y/N), ohhh, it was that party before we went on tour. We spoke and I told her about our girls and that I was going to marry Debbie. And I told her about Alycen, and she was like, well Alycen has been together with everyone." 

"... Wait, you told her about our girls? What do you mean?"

"Yeah, before we left for UK. We were smoking a cig or something, me and (Y/N), and I told her about Cliff, and me, and you, and James. And she said that Alycen-"

"Me? What did you say about me?"

Lars looked puzzled when he carefully said, "... Well, I mentioned Rebecca. I don't know what I said."

"No, come on. What did you say, Lars?"

"I don't remember, man!" Lars exclaimed and frowned, as though Kirk was the stupid one. "I don't fucking remember, it was like, ages ago, man." 

"Well, fucking think." 

He got quiet and his expression turned from defensive to a realization, a realization of what Kirk was getting at. "... I didn't say much. I just named our girls. And said that you and Rebecca were still together. That was it."

"And what did she say?"

"Nothing, only went on to express a bit of distaste for me being a cheater, as she saw it. Cause I was talking about marrying Debbie right after I said that I was excited for all the girls and substances on tour. I don't know. I thought she... Right! She was real funny, hahah, I remember... She said... I joked that she wouldn't be the one marrying me but Debbie so she could stop complaining, and she thanked God and I said we'd make a bad couple. And she said that she wouldn't touch my dick even if it came gold! Liquid gold. She's so funny." Lars laughed, but quickly got quiet when Kirk just stared at him with the most disappointed, mean look ever on his face. "Hey, I didn't know you and Rebecca weren't a thing back then, okay?"

"Don't you think it's a little too fucking late to tell me this now?" Kirk rose from his chair, finishing his beer on his way out of the room. 

"Kirk, come on, man! That's not the fucking reason--... You think that's the reason she stopped talking to us? Oh, grow up, the world doesn't revolve around you!"

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