Chapter 2

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He has thin, small hands, seemed like a scrawny kid. But also a very off voice- like a boy going through puberty since that's probably what he is. Alejandro grabbed his hand and got pulled through the said portal. After a blink, his surroundings were different. He was suddenly in this beautiful city, flashing bright lights, stars shining. It was amazing. He saw an ice skating rink in the distance. He'd always wanted to go since like, forever, but his parents never took him. A smile grew on Alejandro's face as he took the other boys hand as he protested and jogged to the rink.

"I've never been ice skating before, have you? If you have maybe you can teach me!" Alejandro said, looking over the fence from the outside of the rink. "Slow your roll buddy... you just got pulled through some weird, looking portal thing, and you wanna ice skate?" The smaller boy said, raising his eyebrow awkwardly. "Uh, well, I've always wanted to try it! The ice skaters on television look so angelic. Have you heard of Josée and Jacques? They're one of the world most famous ice dancers!" He went on, and on, and on. Until the other boy just got annoyed and snapped at him.

"Look, you're not even curious of what happened? You don't even know who I am!"

"Uhm.. Who are you?" Alejandro turned his head to ask, just to get it done and over with.
"Yeah yeah.. My names Noah. When I got the news you'd finally figured out how to get here I wasn't all that excited, to be honest. But it was my stupid job that whenever the time comes, I'd have to go fetch you from wherever you came from, so there I was." Noah explained walking over to the ice skates they could try on to wear.

"Well Noah, it was nice meeting you. But who told you the news that I figured out how to get here? And what do you mean I figured out how to get here. I did what my mom told me to!" Alejandro said whilst he tried on skates in his size.

"You sure ask a lot of questions. To start with, there are these like angel things or just regular people, I don't know, but they can tell from childbirth if that child is going to have a good life with the parents and society they're with. If not, they make a place or even world dedicated to that person which is exactly like their dreams and hopes. If they wanted to be a lawyer, in their world they are a lawyer. Do you get me?"

Alejandro kind of just stared with his jaw open. He didn't make a noise, move, anything. Noah just walked off into the rink in his boys-sized ice skates. "Wait. This placed was made for me?" Alejandro said when he snapped back to life and followed the boy. "Yeah, I mean I don't see why you need it. You look privileged. You got good grades, you're charming, you're a whole package." Noah expressed as he hugged onto the railings in the rink.

"Hold on, you think I'm charming?" Alejandro asked as he moved around on the ice. He was surprisingly good at it for a beginner. He saw the other boy scoff lightly. "No, don't think so highly of yourself. I'm just saying you're a lot better looking than lots of other boys your age." He explained while wiggling around on the ice trying not to fall.

"Aw, don't think like that. I think you're very handsome." Alejandro said while skating towards him. "Shut up, I didn't mean me. I'm not that bad looking."

"Or so you thought."

"Hey I thought you called me handsome!" Noah complained as if his mom didn't call him special and handsome at home. "Ah well, I changed my mind."

After a long time of arguing and ice skating, Noah showed Alejandro to his home.

"Well, this is it, your new house." Noah said looking up at it. It was a beautiful house, very big as well. It was perfect for Alejandro.

"This house is gorgeous! I get this all to myself?"

"Yeah, it's quite undeserved." Noah mumbled under his breathed. Just quiet enough so Alejandro could hear unfortunately.

"Well don't you get a nice house too? Since you like work for the people that gave me this house." Alejandro asked. He was wrong. People like Noah in other worlds have to be assigned to this one person so that they can take care of them. But do they get anything in return? No. Nothing at all. Yeah maybe an okay place to stay, but it wasn't big enough for Noah's family since he has like seven sisters. Plus he had to live in this little area with a bunch of other houses that belonged to different staff members. That was probably why Noah didn't like Alejandro that much. He had to make sure he was safe, and Alejandro got all the good things. But after all, this place was made for him right?

"Uh, Noah?"


"You didn't answer the question." Alejandro said gently. "Oh, yeah uh my place is okay. It's just not enough room for my family, you know?" Noah said, turning his head away to pretend to look at scenery.

"Well my house seems big enough for two.. why don't you stay here? It'll be less space for your family and you also do have to take care of me right? I'm sure it'll be easier." Alejandro offered. He gave off this welcoming look. A look that made Noah seem like he can't refuse his offer. He stayed silent for a moment or two before making up his mind.

"Yeah, I suppose that could be easier. And I heard you have a guest bedroom, so that'll be fine for me." He said, slowly looking back at Alejandro.

"Great! I'll turn on the fire since it's like, freezing. You poor little thing must be so cold!" He said jokingly as if Noah was like a dog. "Yeah yeah, come on let's go." He said with a sigh. He had a small feeling that he'd regret this.

Authors note

Guys I like realised after doing chapter one like "wait, I have a life!! Why should I be writing WATTPAD stories.." well yeah.. I think I stopped in like July or June..? Not sure. Anyways I realised at least some of you wanted to read my flop story so here's part two!! (ps holidays r ending soon so ill probably have to force myself to finish this story in a week.)

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