Life saver (Part 2)

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A year passed but Riya grew to be worse. The worst part no one even knew what she was going through. Riya became more and more introverted as time passed. She didn't trust anyone. Lost hope, lost her home. She even tried to end herself a few times but stopped when she thought about her parents. The only time she felt at peace was when she lost herself in music, it felt like someone was there for her, supporting her and rooting for her!

It was during lockdown, that messaging one person changed her.

Riya was watching a movie they put on the Zoom meeting, she messaged a thank you to her old friend Jay. They exchanged numbers and started texting.

Jay and Riya became very close and started sharing about their personal life. Riya didn't realize that she started getting something she lost a long time ago. Jay was Riya's savior from all her worries!

His one message made her smile. His one message made her cry. Riya found her lifesaver.

They started caring for each other. Now they have a bond that cannot be broken.

Allof Riya's prayers are about not ever losing her best friend, her hope, her life saver . She cannot afford another broken heart. Jay didn't know he was healing, fixing something he did not break!


We all need someone to support us, be there for us, and to show us how amazing we are! Riya found that, I hope you find them soon too!! You are not alone! You have soo many caring people around you, you just have to find the right person! Take your time. Everyone deserves love!! And everyone finds their love. Just take care and hang on till then! You don't need to change too You're perfect the way you are

You are a masterpiece and a work in progress at the same time! Keep going you are strong!!

This isn't really a short story but something I felt. I hope you guys get what I was trying to convey

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