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"you're a whore who just wants to touch people."
Those were the words that broke her heart into a million pieces...

Riya was a 14year old girl chubby broken by her family, alone, and depressed. Though she had a hard time at home, she never showed it, she had the happy mask on all the time.

Riya had a good number of friends in her school but none to open up about how she felt. she used to lie about her life and family to everyone. Put on a happy picture for everyone around her.

All she wanted for a shoulder to lean on and talk to. And can you blame her, don't we all need a person like that to keep us sane, to lean on??

One Friday evening, while coming back from school, all she thought about was how to spend the weekends at home. She hated weekends when she had to deal with her family. She wanted to stay at school with her friends and have fun! Riya was so lost in her thoughts she didn't even notice a man who was walking and bumped right into him! She looked when all her anger got washed away. he was handsome, tall, and fair. she didn't know who it was apologized and ran away from there.

After a few months, Riya and Jack (her handsome neighbor) became very close. She started seeing him as her brother and started opening up about her life and family. Whenever Riya wanted a shoulder to lean on, Jack was there confronting her healing her. For so many nights Riya cried herself to sleep with her family right next to her but having no idea what was happening to her, Riya felt like she found her "home" in Jack.

One thing about Riya was that she had no control over her anger, if something bad happened she did not care who it was. She will start a fight right there. this involved her getting physical too at times mostly with boys who disrespect others. Jack hated this but stood by her side no matter what.

One day Riya got herself into a huge fight, which pissed Jack and dragged her to the terrace. The next time Riya knew there was a sharp pain on her right cheek. Tears filled her eyes everything around her was burl her vision, her hearing everything faded out. The only thing she heard was "You're a whore!" and with that, she fell. Sat there crying for what felt like forever. She got up and cleaned herself when she heard her mom calling her name. She continued her day like nothing happened but with a feeling of emptiness.

That was the last time she heard from him. Neither of them tried to continue their bond! It broke her. She tried so hard but it never felt like she was going back to who she was....

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