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It was raining outside, the gentle drops of water quietly hitting against the window. The night sky decorated with tiny bright lights, endless cosmos that could be seen by the naked eye. Asgard was quiet as the realm fell in a peaceful sleep. Nothing could be heard but the taps of the raindrops and the gentle tunes of the insects.

What made the night even better was my beloved fiancé asleep right next to me. The past few months have been hard for Loki, seeing as though he was called into battle almost every week. Sometimes I would go days or even weeks without seeing him. Fretting over his well-being. The only thing keeping me sane was the little updates given to us by the royal ravens.

Whenever Loki came back from his battles, he would try to spend time with me but I could see the tiredness weighing down on him. Having to force him to just lay down and sleep. But some nights stay restless... night terrors clouding his sleeping mind, etching their way into his soul, grasping at his bones and clawing through his veins. Loki has seen things, things that would scar a man for a lifetime... yet it never bothered him. Until recently. I've tried to get him to talk to me about his nightmares but he would brush me off as if it wasn't important. I stopped pushing him, but lately they've seemed to get more persistent.

It was very late at night and I felt the bed moving, restless thrashing next to me. I had already been up, overthinking and waiting for when his nightmares got to him so I could wake him. I rolled over and saw Loki moving about, his eyebrows were furrowed together and he had a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, I knew he was having a particularly rough one

"Loki.." I whispered, lightly tapping his shoulder, he kept on mumbling things in his sleep, shaking his head and clenching his jaw. I gently placed my hand on his shoulder, this time he shot awake panting and frantically looking around the room, his arm reached over to me to see if I was still there. When I asked him why he always reached for me he told me it was because we felt safer in his mind knowing I was there... from that alone I knew his nightmares revolved around something with me.

"It's okay Loki, I'm here. You're okay." I whispered gently, sitting up and scooting closer to him. He took deep breaths, calming himself down; he looked over to me and laid back down, staring up at me with pained and tired eyes. The moonlight casting a glum shine over his restless features

"I'm sorry..." he whispered, a tired tear slid from his eye and down the side of his face, dipping into his ear; creating a small stream connecting from the corner of his eye down to the bed, I lifted my hand slowly and wiped it away, placing a gentle kiss to his nose

"It's okay, sweetie. Would you like me to make you some tea?" I asked gently rubbing his cheek, he nodded in response, giving me a small smile.

I slowly stood up from the bed and walked out the room and to the kitchen, the halls were empty and quiet. No maids or servants to be seen. Only the occasional guard patrolling the halls. Whenever Loki would have nightmares, I would always make him some herbal tea; it always manages to calm him down and let him sleep somewhat more peacefully.

As I was putting the kettle on to boil, I felt arms wrap around my waist, holding onto me tightly. I turned my head to see a sleepy god resting his head on my shoulder, I smiled and placed a small kiss on his forehead

"You okay?" I whispered softly, lifting my hand to run through his tussled locks of hair

"Mhm.." he hummed back in response, kissing my shoulder and neck gently. A sort of remedy to comfort himself.

We both stood there for a solid 5 minutes in silence, the silence wasn't awkward or uncomfortable at all, it felt safe with both of our presence. The tea kettle started whistling, a sign that the tea was ready. I grabbed two mugs and poured the tea in them, adding milk to Loki's and milk and sugar to mine. I handed Loki's his and blew on mine gently before lifting it to my lips, nodding in approval. I led Loki into the small living room that the warrior three and Thor would usually hangout in and put the fireplace on.

We both sat down on the cashmere couch, the warm porcelain of the mugs heating our hands. We sat close to each other, enjoying the others presence. His head rested on my shoulder while his hand played with my fingers, the light of the fire casted a yellow orange glow in the room, the flames of the fire dancing around each other in a beautiful dance. Waltzing to the melody of its cinders crackling and the ashes of the wood falling. The sound of our breathing and the rain muffling the cracks and pops of the heated wood.

I finally felt Loki relax fully against me, his breathing came out slow and steady. These nightmares would keep him up all night, making him feel panicked, anxious, paranoid and tired. But as he sat here in front of the warm fire, tea in his hands and cuddled into my side, I knew he felt more peaceful.

I let him melt into me as he slowly started to feel sleepy again. The rain outside making the atmosphere feel light and calm. By the time I finished my tea, I felt my eyelids getting heavier each blink. Loki must've noticed I was getting drowsy, because he slowly stood up and grabbed my hand.

"We can stay here a bit longer.." I told him, not wanting to ruin the mood so soon. He looked down at me and smiled, a genuine one.

"I'm tired too, my love. Let's just go to bed, yeah?" he said calmly, I nodded and stood up, not even questioning it when our mugs disappeared.

I cut the fireplace off and we walked to our bedroom. Hand in hand and trying not to fall asleep while walking. We bumped into each other as we swayed tiredly, making each other giggle at our clumsiness.

We entered the bedroom and I quickly walked over to the window, opening it slightly so that the wind would come in but the rain would stay out. When I turned around, Loki was already in bed waiting for me. His eyes half shut and the blanket hanging over his legs. I crawled on the bed and plopped down next to him, curling into his chest. He draped his arms around me and pulled me closer, our legs tangling together and our hearts thudding as one.

"I love you, darling." he whispered softly, his fingers languidly playing with my hair

"I love you more, Loki" I whispered back, tilting my head and placing a gentle kiss to his lips, making him smile as we both drifted off into a deep, calming sleep. 

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