Valentine's surprise- pt 1- X

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February 14, 2016.

I woke up to gentle kisses being placed on my face and neck, smiling a little I slowly opened my eyes, seeing my beautiful husband, Loki Laufeyson. Better known as the god of mischief. He was charming and sweet behind doors, but bold and firm in public, my favorite moments are when it's just the two of us in each other's arms.

"Good morning, angel." He whispered to me, his voice raspy and low, my body lit on fire at the sound, he was right above me, holding his weight up with his arms that were placed on either side of my head.

"Good morning..." I whispered, still tired from being woken up this soon, he chuckled and kissed my forehead. The sun was beaming through the curtains, giving a bright feeling to the room, lighting up the space, the sun hit Loki's face just perfectly, making him look even more like a god. He was shirtless and only in his sleep pants. I couldn't help but eye his arms and chest, they were a sight for sore eyes.

"Like what you see?" he smirked, I snapped back to reality and smiled at him "On Midgard they celebrate today as 'valentines day' the day of love and friendship. So, I have a whole day planned out for us."

I smiled at him and shook my head gently, he went to kiss me but I put my hand on his mouth, making him give me a confused look.

"Let me brush my teeth first..." I said, he chuckled and sat up on his knees, letting me slip out the bed and rush to the bathroom. I did my business and brushed my teeth, walking back to him to see him standing by the window, looking down at the gardens, he turned to me and smiled cheekily. Once I reached him I gently ran my hands down his chest and stomach, feeling his soft abs under the palm of my hands. Reaching my arms behind his neck and pulling him in for a kiss, he wrapped his arms around me, his hand going to the back of my neck and holding me to him. The kiss was soft and gentle at first, but shortly turned rough and sensual. He bit my bottom lip, pulling at it a bit, his hands moved from my back and neck to my ass, grabbing a hand full and letting go, delivering a smack to one of them, even though I wore a night gown it still stung like skin on skin. I yelped and jumped further into him, he laughed against my lip and started kissing down.

He kissed the corner of my mouth, then my jaw, and landing on my neck, biting and licking the skin, no doubt leaving red love bites. He kissed and sucked at the spot right above my collar bone, making me arch into him and tilt my head for back. He pulled away and smiled at me.

"You'll have to wait till tonight my sweet girl." He whispered. I groaned, rolled my eyes and turned around, about to walk away when he grabbed me by the hips and pulled me back, my back against his naked chest "watch your attitude with me, little one."

Loki and I have been married for two years, he was always in control whenever we made love... but that was new. It made my body shiver, my thighs squeezing together. He snickered softly, leaning his head down and kissing my shoulder where my night gown's sleeve slipped off.

"Go get ready. We leave in 20 minutes." He said, letting go of my hips and walking away, as if whatever he just did never happened. 20 minutes wasn't near enough time for me to calm down from earlier events. I quickly took a shower and changed into a beautiful yellow sundress, putting my hair up in a ponytail, letting a few pieces fall over my face as framing pieces. I walked out the room to find Loki on our couch, sifting through a book.

Five months after we had got married, we decided to move out of the palace and get our own little house on the outskirts of Asgard, it was quite large, 4 rooms were left empty until we found a need for them. I walked up behind the couch and kissed the top of his head, making him tilt it for back to look at me, he smiled and stood up, taking my hand and kissing my lips tenderly. We walked out the house and left to do all the things he had planned... or so I thought.

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