Chapter 5

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Two days later

Gale was back from the hospital and painting her toenails(she finds it very relaxing), when the doorbell rang. "Hey Dewey you mind opening the door? Thats probably my package". "Nope, on my way!", dewey exclaimed whilst he was running towards the door with his arm out like superman. He always found a way to cheer Gale up. "It's a package for you." "Do you mind opening it im kind of in the middle of something." "Sure." Dewey opened the package to find diapers in it: "Honey are you sure you you ordered this?". "Yes, im sure."Gale was now standing behind him holding something in her hand. "But why would you order diapers?". "Heres why.", Gale said as she handed him the pregnancy test. "Oh my god really?!". "Yep, are you happy?". "Are you kidding, Im more than happy Im...Im...well whatevers more than happy!" "Delighted?". "Yes Im delighted!". "Im glad." , Gale said as she pulled him in for a long passionate kiss that made them both forget about what happened two days ago.


Oh my god they are so cuteeeeeee

Anyways guys hope you liked this Chapter

Love yall ❤️😘😘

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