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Lou Jitsu, more than anything, prided himself greatly on his independence.

He was proud of the person he'd become, who he was, and had never once been ashamed nor afraid to show it. And if anyone had a problem with that? He'd punch them in the face. He deserved to be so prideful after all. He escaped his dumb Hamato destiny! He was allowed to go to parties and be silly because he would never ever let something as stupid as "family" or tradition hold him back.

But he wasn't some bumbling imbecile either.

He may act like an idiot but he was far from being one. That's why he didn't immediately open his eyes, why he didn't give an indication he was awake. Even as the panicked voices of strangers flitted around him in an annoyingly incessant and ever increasing buzz.

"Ohmigosh, it's really Lou Jitsu -!"

"Mikey, focus! We need to -"


He did his best not to grimace as a sudden weight dropped near his arm, a body huddled closer, and the shudder of an audible camera clicked.

"Nardo, while I appreciate your enthusiasm, I think Raph is right for once."

"Ooohhh, is that jealousy I hear, dear twin of mine?"

"N-No, I just think we should approach this particular dilemma from a more logical point of view!"

"You are so jelly right now!"

"Am not!"

"Am too!"


A loud voice roared across the space, an echoed reverberation along with a sudden defeaning silence. A solid indication that wherever he was, the area was spacious and easy to fight in if needed. An observation he kept in hand as he puzzled out whatever situation he'd found himself in.

So far, he'd gathered the names of all the strangers around him. Although he quietly loathed the fact he was using his fathers ninja training, that's a thought he'll neatly settle to the side and ignore for as long as possible. (Ah, yes, his best friends in emotional warfare, avoidance, and repression).

Either way, information gathering was a good step in the right direction. He now knew the voices around him belonged to: Mikey, Raph, Donnie, and Nardo or Leo. The last one he was a touch uncertain on. Which one was his real name?

"Look, we can't be fighting right now, pops needs us!"

A deafening silence enveloped that statement, and it left him reeling with an overabundance of questions. Mainly, why was he here if he was clearly so uninvolved?

It just sounded like some kids had a bad fight with their dad or something (and, boy, could he understand and sympathize with that when it came to his own gramps). It was a strangely normal, if not domestic situation, one that should not have involved him, a complete stranger, at all. Yet, here he was.

"Reluctant sigh, yes, I see your looks, brothers. And as much as I'd love to have an explanation or solution, I am the tech guy, not the mystic guy."

"Oh, we should call Barry, then! He'll know what to do!"

There was a loud scoff and noises of protest before the four teenagers devolved into nonsensical fighting. He could even hear the sounds of a scuffle as two of the boys wrestled on the ground nearby.

Besides the names and obviously childish banter, he really didn't know much else of what was going on.

For whatever reason, he just couldn't remember what landed him in this situation. Trying to remember what happened before this left his head pounding more painfully than before. He vaguely remembers being on a movie set, but that didn't pinpoint much for him. He was usually filming something or another these days.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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