Chapter 14: A Glimpse of the Past -Part 3 (final part)

Start from the beginning

The door closed.

"After all this time, you finally came to see me." His deep voice was dripping with confidence and a tone of sensuality. He rose from his chair, still facing the window.

"It wasn't intentional I assure you."

"Is that so?" He turned to face her, his eyes devoured every inch of her, it was something predatory, it felt as if every cellular movement was being observed. "It seemed to me like your legs brought you here."

Mei honestly didn't know what to respond to that accusation so she changed the subject, "What do you want?"

"What I've always wanted..." he said while slowly walking around his desk to stand directly in front of her. "You. I want you to join me."

Mei spit in his face. "Like hell i will."

Donald clenched his fists and pulled out a handkerchief and wiped his face. "You're lucky I like you."

"Bullshit, it's not because you like me, it's because you can't touch me and you know it."

Donald smirked and started to walk toward the other side of the room, behind Mei. "You've seen through my farce, yes it's true, no matter how much I may like you, no one would get away with what you just did. However, I can't touch you without your insane family putting a target on my back and a bullet in my brain. That doesn't mean I don't still want you though."

"You can forget it bastard." Mei spat angrily.

Donald ignored her, "The heir to the Shisui company and fortune. Your family could turn all of the grass in Korea red if they wanted. Notorious for defending their kin. Even to the point of mysterious disappearances that somehow go un-investigated by the law."

Mei's jaw clenched, "I am not my family."

"No you're not, but it doesn't change the fact they are your family does it?" He said while circling around her. "You wouldn't happen to know of a little scuffle between the Union's Jimmy Bae and Eunjang now would you?"

"Nope, not a clue, what happened?"

"Apparently Jimmy was beat, and so was an informant of mine, who says he was beaten by a girl, a girl who matches your description."

"If he works for you I'm sure that wounded his fragile masculinity, that seems to be a trait all Union members share. Must come from their boss."

Donald scoffed, "You think you're quite clever dont you? But you and your motorcycle-kicking friends don't stand a chance against the Union. But if you joined me, you'd be on the winning side. And even better you could make a lot of money, your own money, you wouldn't have to live off your family's riches anymore."

"The only reason I still have to is because of you in the first place." Her voice was tense, she was pissed that he of all people would mention her predicament.

"Oh you mean the little mistake with that sum of money a year or two back? Now come on Mei, you can't still hold a grudge for that can you?"

Mei saw red. Her heartbeat was in her ears and her nails were seeping into her skin from clutching her fists, blood began to trickle from her palms as she contemplated how many ways she could disfigure him in that moment.

"It was a shame don't get me wrong, you stabbed your own pride and begged your family for money to save him, you promised you'd be a good daughter if they would just give you enough to pay for his hospital bills. But all that money went missing didn't it? An unfortunate mistake really. Your dear friend Jake was forced to comply with my wishes to save his own brother instead. You tried, you really did, but too bad you failed. Now you're forced to keep your promise and he's forced to work for me. It's a lose- lose all around. But at least one of those problems could go away if you pledged loyalty to me, to the Union."

It was all a game to him, Jake's brother, my family shackles, even Jake himself. We were all just pieces in his game of chess. We were set up, we had lost. But maybe if I could just say in the game a little longer, run and keep the king alive for even a little more, maybe the tides could turn.

"I will never forgive you, and i would rather die than belong to you."

Donald smirked, "i figure you would say something like that, but what if i make the deal better, sweeten the pot some. You join the Union, I release Jake."

Mei's world stopped, nothing moved, not a thing. Her heart beat faster and for the first time in years she cracked. She truly considered his offer. A million thoughts were going through her mind at once. She could save Jake, and be free from her family. Her fists unclenched, and she felt her spirit break.

"L-let me think about it..."

Donald grinned, "here's my number, shoot me a text when you make your decision. But Mei, don't wait until then to talk to me again will you?" He had a sly grin on his face, he knew he was so close to winning. "I'll have Kingsley drive you home."

"I'm fine, Ill walk." Her pride may not last for much longer but she would hold onto as much of as she could for now.

"I insist, you'll need to get used to it" Donald moved to whisper in her ear, "considering next time I see you... you won't be able to walk after." His voice was low and sultry in her ear, she shivered.

He walked and opened the door for her, "I hope to hear from you soon, Mei."

Mei couldn't bring herself to say anything, she just walked out and followed Kingsley to his car. He probably spoke to her but it didn't register if he did.

They pulled up to her complex, she got out, Kingsley made a remark but she didn't hear it. She went straight up to her floor and sat on her bed in thought.

She didn't know how long it took her to fall asleep but when she did she was still in her day clothes, her mind exhausted from everything that happened.

'could I really save him?'


hey guys!
The next chapters will most likely go back to the original story line.

How did you guys like this explanation of where she came from? I didn't want to do just a long flashback cause those get boring to me, so I thought I'd do it this way. Lemme know your thoughts!

This chapter was 1.7K words, back to my normal length.

Have a great day!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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