Chapter 3: Battle of the Boy Bands

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Gonna try this chapter from Mei's point of view to see if it works better or if I like it more, let me know which you prefer. 

'God I am exhausted, and this boring class isn't helping '  I take a glance at Gerard, he's still sleeping. I get out a sticky note and write a quick note for him if he wakes up while I'm gone. I get up quietly and head to the snack bar. Halfway there I run into the two I met yesterday, Big Ben and Gogo. 

"Hey Mei! Over here! Me and GoGo were just about to head to the pool hall, you wanna come?" Big Ben asked.

"Hey, I never agreed!" You see Ben gives him a look before Alex gives in, "Yeah I guess I'm down."

"Haha! Great!" Big Ben says as he slaps GoGo on the back enthusiastically. "You coming Mei?" 

"Hell yeah, the class was putting me to sleep anyway." I smile and follow them as they run out of school with these big smiles.

 'They're so simple, it's nice' My smile grows just as big as theirs and we all run out laughing.

 At any other school, the teachers would've heard us and stopped us, but this is Eunjang. They definitely heard us, they just don't care. 


"Now that I think about it, where is this pool hall?" I ask, realizing I once again followed near strangers without actually knowing where we were going. 

"Oh we're almost there, it's like right past the Underpass," GoGo says nonchalantly. 

"Isn't that where the delinquents hang out? The Underpass? That's what Gerard said anyways." I ask, a little confused why'd they make a supposedly dangerous place their hangout spot. 

"Huh? Oh yeah, technically, but you don't have to worry about that when I'm here! No one messes with Big Ben's friends. And if they do, they're in for a treat." He said a wide smile on his face, no care in the world. 

"Mmh, is that so?" I ask, a hint of challenge in my voice.

"Yep! As long as you stick with GoGo or me here, you'll be just fine, we'll protect you. Isn't that right GoGo?" He said teasing his best friend.

"Psh stop talking yourself up so much, makes us look like losers," GoGo grumbles looking away from us. 

I laugh and poke him in the shoulder, "Aww come on GoGo, I'll still hang out with you even if you are losers." I mock poking him over and over until he swats my hand away and I laugh. His face goes red and he just grumbles and speeds up, walking in front of me and Ben.

We walk into the pool hall and the most beautiful girl I've ever seen greets us. My face heats up and when she makes eye contact with me I give her a closed-eyed smile, before looking down at the ground and walking past the desk. I look over my shoulder to glance at her again and see her looking at me already. I blush and look away. 'Goddamn it, I'm so awkward around pretty girls' I mentally wail. 

Ben gets us a table and he hands me a stick as Alex sets up the balls. 

"So I've gotta be honest, I'm not too confident in my pool skills, I haven't played in years and I don't even remember how to hold the stick," I admit, chuckling a bit. 

"That'll be an easy win then for sure! Ouch, what was that for Alex??"

"Don't be so rude" 

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