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Ryan Jae's transition into retirement from his career as a professional ball player has not been an easy one. Now that he has physically recovered from his career-ending injury, Ryan Jae has been tasked to take over his father's business and the first thing on the agenda? A merger via personal partnership, aka an arranged marriage between him and a complete stranger. He hates the idea of arranged marriages, but with his father dangling the bait of his mother's medical care over his head, he doesn't have a say in the matter .

On the other side of things is Lee Soojin. Lee Soojin is a nurse from a well-respected family business that she has no desire to be involved in. Hiding a heart of gold inside an icy exterior, her heart burns for the sake of her family and patients. She has no interest in a marriage based on love so she agrees to her father's proposal to marriage for the sake of her own family's business, once again putting her family before herself.

Strangers on the outskirts of the same social circles, Ryan Jae and Lee Soojin spend a couple of months skirting around each other, not knowing that in a short time they would be made man and wife. Each with their own traumas and secrets, they must figure out how to cooperate with each other in their marriage for the sake of their families. Follow along as these two strangers figure out what it means to be married and maybe find their own love story along the way.

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