5: back again

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After slamming that door all, I wanted to do was go back inside. I already miss George no matter how much we argue sometimes no matter how many times I tell him to put his stupid skull away he doesn't. how much I miss my little sister the girl I once loved and then grew to hate I just want to see her again. btu most of all who I miss most which I shouldn't after what he did but Lockwood. I miss Lockwood.

I miss a lot of things and id only just stepped out of the door, the safety of my own home so I better move quick before I have a run in with a ghost which I don't think would end very well for me. so where do I go? the only person I trust fully the only person I ever will trust fully. floe.

once I make it to Flo's usual hide out at the docks where I see her boat.

"Flo!" I shout to see a head appear from her boat

"Oh, Izzy" I hear a bunch of metal clashing together before she walks towards me, "what you are doing back over this end? lock causing you any trouble?"

I groan "don't even get me started and on top of that he's hired my sister I just can't deal with him sometimes, but I do miss him I miss all of them mostly George though"

"Well, if that's the case then let's get you back" she smiles grabbing onto my hand and starting to walk the direction I came from

"Flo lets be reasonable here I don't particularly want to go back right now I just walked out" I say as she continues to drag me

"Yes, I understand Izzy, but I can't particularly have two of us living on my boat so weather you like it or not you're going back to lock" she keeps walking and I see the street of Portland row coming into sight.

And before I know it floe has pushed me onto the top step knocked on the door and started to walk away, so I turn back around and start to shout, "Flo what are you thinking you can't leave me, floe!" the door opens hearing all the shouting

"Izz?" I cringe hearing the voice of George, "oh hey George" and before I know it, I'm being shoved into the house and being questioned.

"What were you thinking one minute I was asleep next minute I had Lockwood rushing into my room saying you had packed up and left I mean where your common sense is we need you I mean you're the only one that can keep Lockwood in check on cases!" he shouts pulling me into the kitchen

"Look Georg-" I try to apologise but he just interrupts me. "even though I am overly mad at you right now I have never been so glad to see you we have a case tomorrow and it's Lucy's first and I don't particularly trust her so I was thinking maybe you could go with them they're never going to be able to find the source so I'm begging you to go with them."

"Okay George calm down I will go but just don't expect me to talk to Lockwood" I say agreeing with George.

"What about me?" I quickly look over to the door of the kitchen to see Lockwood smirking

"Izzy here is going on the case with you tomorrow to make sure you and lucy don't kill yourselves" George explains

"Okay that's good now lucy has her old room she can have the spare room across the hall from our rooms George, I'm sure you know where that is?" he looks over to me from Geroge. I hum softly agreeing not wanting to talk to him still.

_____ time skip_____

sadly, I was sat in between Lockwood and lucy on the drive toward the house we just arrived at.

"I'm going to test you on the plans in random order." I roll my eye's full well knowing Lockwood wasn't going to stick to the plans while we were doing this job, "Never know which one we'll need and when. It's vital we can communicate quickly and clearly in as few words as possible."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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